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I'm restopring my 1960 VGLA and want to clean my carburettor. AFter I have taken it apart, can I just clean all the parts with a degreaser? Or can you damage the parts that way? I read something about using compressed air i the Haynes manual but i don't have that kind of facilities and am a very unexperienced vespa-fan..

can somebody give me some usfull tips?


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Compressed air is ok for the obvious dirt. But a better way would be an ultra sonic cleaner, used by dentists to sterilize their equipment . May be you know someone working for a dentist? :-D

- gonzo

Bearbeitet von gonzo

a degreaser is a good way if the fouling isn't too bad.

but sometimes the remain of old gas cannot be cleaned completely, especially in the jets and the small ducts so an ultrasonic bath is the only choice to clean it properly.

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