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WIEN WEEKENDER 12-14 Sep.2014


Empfohlene Beiträge

Welcome to the Vienna Soul Weekender with finest rare Northern & Modern Soul.
Furthermore Laurent, Pebbles and Barbara celebrating their birthdays there.

There will be an Alldayer passing into the Nighter at a very special location on Sunday as well...stay tuned!

The International Line Up
Laurent Reus (Revolver Records, FR)
Leona Murphy (UK)
Brett Franklin (UK)
Will West (UK)
Andrew Thorne (UK)
Matt Fox (Köln, D)
Sebastian Gerstung (Frankfurt, D)

our special guest DJs
Barbara Lucia Grassi (IT)
Gerd Baum (Düsseldorf, D)

and our Residents
Lars Bulnheim
Sascha Bernardis
Thomas Tesar
DJ Elk

Warm up Thursday Sept, 11th
Soul Au Centre 8 pm - 1 am
Free Entry!

Friday/Saturday 10 pm - 5 am
Replugged - http://www.replugged.at/
1070, Lerchenfelderstraße 23
(Tube U2, U3 Volkstheater)
Kitchen all night long :-)

Sunday 10 pm - 2 am
Volksgarten Pavillon - http://www.volksgarten-pavillon.at/
1010, Heldenplatz
(Tube U2, U3 Volkstheater)

Alldayer Saturday 3 pm - 8 pm
Vienna City Beach Club - http://vcbc.at/
1220, New Danube Middle,
Am Kaisermühlendamm, Stromkilometer 10,5
(Tube U2 Donaustadtbrücke, ca 900m or U1 Donauinsel, a little walk)
You can also swim there :-)

Alldayer Sunday 3 pm - 10 pm
Volksgarten Pavillon - http://www.volksgarten-pavillon.at/
1010, Heldenplatz
(Tube U2, U3 Volkstheater)
Delicious food as well :-)

EURO 25,- for weekend
EURO 10,- each night

Presale Weekender-Passes:
[email protected]
If you need any help, please contact :-D

Hotel Korotan - http://www.korotan.com/korotan_hotel/
1080, Albertgasse 48
tel +43 (0)1 403 41 93, [email protected]
Pls mention the code "VSW 2014" for special rates

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