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Empfohlene Beiträge



Why is it better?

Stronger, more torque?

In Hungary, there is a lot of people dr, I do not like the sound of each ring.



D.R. 177 is a good and cheap Zylinder, and yes you are right that the D.R. is noisy but it runs.

before you buy the Iron Cast Pinasco i would take the Polini 177.


I drove both (DR and Polini177)  on my VBB with PX Engine.

The Polini is a Little bit more powerfull than the DR177 but it is more silence than the DR





Polini be very good, but the block should be routed.

What if they put me Polini original engine? I looked pinasco, there need not be routed. Pinasco weaker than dr?



You can drive the Polini plug and play without editing the Transfer Ports.

A longer Gear Ration should be installed


And in case that it is to less Power for you, you can do the whole tuning thing with it!

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