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Im restoring a VGLA1t and i am about to take of the flywheel..when do you know that it is time to let it remagnetize and how much does that cost you? I also read in the Haynes Manual that when you take the flywheel off and the stator plate is still on the engine you have to "bridge the flywheel with soft iron in to prevent demagnetizing"does anybody know what they mean by that? And how you do this exactly? I read that after you takre of the stator plate yolu just put that in to prevent demagnetizing but what do you place in there before that?



Now, i try to explain. During the years the magnetism of the flywheel gets lost. The result is weak ignition. Batteries cant get pushed up and stay empty. Light also is very weak.

I therefore strongly recommend to remagnetize your flywheel. Costs in Germany at my local service are about 25$.

When you take your flywheel off, the lost of magnetism gets faster. You would not mention it, if the flywheel magnets are "unbridged" for about a hour or so. But you should bridge the magnets by putting a blade of a saw into the inside of it. Anything of iron bridging the magnets will do. Putting the Stator plate into the flywheel is the easyest way to bridge the magnets.

Alien-English, i know... :-D But schooltime is very far away. :-(

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