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Im restoring my 1960 VGLA1t

I just took of the cylinder and want to clean it and the piston. I'm going to clean the engine casings and all the parts with a strong degreaser; can i treat the cylinder etc. with the same.? I hear people also use a dremel tool to clean it and the ports; wich accessory is needed for that and how do you clean exactly?

My cylinder is also rusted at the outside; can you get rid of that; do you need to have it blasted or is it sufficient to just spray it with heat-resistant black paint?

Finally, how do you know when it is time for a rebore? My scooter ran before I took it apart but Im very unexperienced and do not know how the performance was...

Can anybody give me some good tips on how to proceed?

Thanks !



To get rid of the coal in the ports you should use a piece of hard wood. If you use a steel tool it could happen that you bend some very small pieces of metal at the ports into the contact surface of the piston.

Why do you want to get the rust off the outer surface of the cylinder? Nobody will see the nicest cylinder once it has been mounted! I would just clean it, perhaps with a steel brush. But it would also be possible to sand-blast it. To have the best possible cooling effect, it shold not be painted in my opinion.

If you can see obvious scratches in axial direction of the piston on the inner side of the cylinder it may be necessary to rebore -or rather hone, which is what the expert will do- the cylinder. But don't forget to use a bigger piston es well in that case. Normally you will need a piston 0.2mm bigger in diameter then.

But with my experience I would not suggest it to be necessary to hone the cylinder. This is rather useful with high-performance cylinders. Could you send a picture of the inner side?


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@ Mari

"Paint (spray) it black" is an advice to get lower temperature.

Have a look and search for Thermik - Tuning at the FAQ"s. :-D

Bearbeitet von T5Rainer

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