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I'm restoring a 1960 VBB but I just can't succeed in splitting the casings. I loosened all the bolts and applied heat to the main bearing housing (around where the crank protrudes) but I can't seem to get any motion in the damn things!

This is my first time doing this; does anybody have a good hint?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Just carefully heat up the whole casing. (Just heating up some bearing houses won't do.) Being exposed to about 80 to 110°C for some minutes the halfes will fall apart by mere inspection. :-D

Bearbeitet von Lacknase

Did you remove the clutch?

Some types of engines wont be able to be splitted with the clutch installed.


I finally did it..took me a couple of hours but while heating up the entire cases and tapping at the right spots whith a hammer on and a wooden drift i managed to get them apart..

thanks guys!

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