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Hi all!


Sorry for writing in English, but my "deutch sind sehr slecht..." :)


Anyway, I have bought a old smallframe engine, apperantly built by someone on this forum

-and I´m mainly a largeframe man, so I need some advise...


The setup is;

V50 casings welded to suit the cylinder

Mk1 Malossi with direct intake

Malossi intake and reed

PHBL25 carburettor

Zirri Silent exhaust

12V ignition.


I have a complete PKXL2 clutch on the shelf, and thought I might fit that to the engine.

-will that be plug´n play, or do I need to modify anything?


Thanks for help!


Best Regards



Do a dry built and check whether the small clutch baseket clears the large clutch basket, if it doesn't chances are you will either need a longer (PK XL II or DRT) layshaft, or you will have to use spacer to move the layshaft outwards a bit.


Thanks amazombi!


The only thing is that the engine is recently rebuilt/refurbished, and I was hoping not to have to split the casings or do any major work on it...


Is there somehow I can check if it fit without splitting the casings?




Do a dry built and check whether the small clutch baseket clears the large clutch basket, if it doesn't chances are you will either need a longer (PK XL II or DRT) layshaft, or you will have to use spacer to move the layshaft outwards a bit.


You could fit the small basket to the layshaft (without the actual clutch). It needs to spin freely without touching the large basket. If it doesn't do that chances are your clutch will be dragging. Usually it's the welding seam in the back of the small basket that causes rubbing. Maybe you can get away with removing a bit of metal there. You want to take care not to weaken the basket to much though.

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