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This Vespa  VNA from 1958 have belonged to a lady that purchased it in 1958.


She have been using it uninterrupted for 54 years, without any major repair !!
In 2012 engine started to fail, the clutch was slipping and the seat had cracked and she decided it was time to let it go.


I  have since then cleaned the gas tank and carburator, replaced the clutch discs, fuel line, condensor, points gearbox oil and control wires.

not much for a 56 year old sccooter.

It came with a sparepart book, owners manual and the original sales contract.


For spring the Vespa vill get a new pair of tires.


After resting for two years the Vespa is back on the road, running for the 57th year,

I will now add som more pictures.











Bearbeitet von borje@ehrmotor.se
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