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I'm restoring my 1960 VGLB and have the following problem..

I'm trying to get the inlay-shaft out of the primary drive but i can't seem to get it work. I removed the nut on the outside of the casing and drove the shaft through a bit so that the christmas tree with the shaft still inside comes out of the casing and the needle bearings fall out. I'ts out for about 4 cm but now I can't get it out further. I tried heating the christmas tree and tapping the shaft out form the bearing side with a hammer and a drift but it's won't work.

The manuals (Haynes, DarneL&Golfen) say that the shaft is easy to just push through and that you should be carefull that it won't "fall out"..I wish it was that easy :) Am I doing something wrong here?

thanks already..



I was guessing that would be the case; it's kinda weird though because the manuals say you can drive it out from that direction and I think they're talking about the same type engines..It's like that quite often though :)


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