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20th Challenge Scootentole, 06/06/2014, Marcillat - French option

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Same date as RnR, could not avoid that this year... :wacko: 



The MaVespa Racing Team and Scootentole present the 20th Challenge Scootentole, held from the 5th to the 6th of June 2015, and organized on the Lavaud track located in Marcillat en Combraille (03 - Auvergne) !!   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

  • Categories and registration

Technical reglement Challenge Scootentole: http://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Technique/
ESC-SET equivalencehttp://scootentole.org/CS/Reglements/Equivalence/indexEN.html


Registrations are OPENED on http://challenge.scootentole.org !

- Driver: C1/C2S/C2L/C3/C4/C7 (Including insurance): 70uro (80 euro on the spot)
- Additional category: +20euro
- Non-driver visitor (at least 1 night on the campsite, including facilities and breakfasts): 10euro


- Track will be available on the Friday afternoon for training: 15EUR !   :thumbsup:(You need to show an insurance for this training)



Don't forget to bring a copy of a less than 1 year old "medical certificate" and copy of your driving license.
Both are required for our insurance to cover you (civil and physical) on the Saturday.



  • Bar-Buvette and Food

There will be possibility to eat on the spot friday and saturday. Just in front of the track, with live timing.



Saturday night: Cochon grille, gratin dauphinois, wine, a set of local cheeses, desert and coffee for only 14EUR !! Please book the diner during registration process    :cheers:    :-D    :thumbsup:


After the award ceremony and the lucky draw, the famous APERITIF (Apero) for everyone !

  • Location of the track :


It is a category 1 go-kart track, lenght 1100m, 8m wide, with some elevations... 
Track website :

Track layout : 

  • Accommodations

It's a very nice location with camping facilities, but also other accomodations options.
- Bungallow (on sites): 120€/night for 6 persons.
- Chateau de Courtioux (2-3km away), different rooms, per night: 50€/1 person, 60€/2 persons, 66€/3persons. Breakfast 6€/person
Contact and reservation, M. Tribalat: +33 (0)4 70 51 68 64(track), +33(0)4 70 51 68 07 (office) or handy +33(0)6 07 86 18 14

Thanks to our sponsors !!!!


Antoine my Friend, you have really good nerves to promote the event, which will occur on the same weekend as our Race in Liedolsheim, on this plattform! :thumbsdown::censored:

We both have already discussed that privately but as you obviously not even have the integrity to not promote this event here I will also go public with my corresponding frustration!

It is really a shame that your running this event without discussing with us in advance! We will loose about 5-10 french riders who always had great fun in Liedolsheim! The ESC always brings you 50-80 riders to Mirecourt...


Alex, please step back and relax (saying that usually doesn't help, but I really mean it).


1. Again, it is unfortunate date conflict, it happened in the past and will probably happen again. But to be honest, we pre-booked the date back in April 2014 (!) and we actually discussed the overlap topic with you in November. You could not change, we could not change, and it did not go further. We thought it was understood.

2. GSF is supposingly open to any vintage scooter related events. I am not "promoting" the event, I am "announcing" it on the GSF; why would we not do it as we always do it  ?! Also many europeans (UK, BE, CH, ES, IT, etc) are also reading and might be interested to "stop by". 

3. You have already 4 French drivers registered. The usual other ones that "travel" that far, mainly people of my team/group cannot make it to any event this year: myself, Luccio, Keuk, etc. Quite some others that came once to RnR could not make it this year because they went to Zuera (heavy budget impact). And in general, we have less drivers since a couple of years. That's the trend.


Bottom line, this is not a provocation. We should not degrade our cooperation or making things more complicated because of that, ... everybody looses.


Cheers, :cheers:

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