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Hi all!

I´m trying to get my SIP speedo to work properly, but it shows too high revs... (idling around 4000)


I have a MVT ignition, and I´m wondering how many ignition pulses/signals it does pr rev?


Anyone that can tell me?





One spark per revolution. Where do you grab the signal for your SIP speedo? At the spark-cable or at the pickup? Last one might be difficult because the ignition has two pickups...





Hi again Tim,


I've tried to setup the speedo with one pulse pr rev, but then ended up with an idle around 8-9k...

-so obviously something wrong somewhere.


What cable from the ignitionplate should the brown signal cable for the speedo be attached to?





One spark per revolution. Where do you grab the signal for your SIP speedo? At the spark-cable or at the pickup? Last one might be difficult because the ignition has two pickups...




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