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Hello everyone,


My name is Damiano and I'm the boss of whiteoneracingevespa some time ago, with Carmelo (mega), I designed a muffler megadella XL more powerful than any other in the market including bigbox sport. The first prototype was modified to search power at high rpm (8500-9000) by shortening the final cone, but this move proved to be wrong because the muffler had less power than before.


Unfortunately, the construction costs were high and the project was shelved, however, because the interest in this kind of silencers is growing, I decided to take the development with a new megadella XL version 2.0. I'm sure that with the experience gained I can realize the muffler box type best performing on the market.


I show you the photos of the first prototype of megadella XL.


sorry for my bad English.


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In wiefern beeinflussen die Löcher im Prallblech die Performance bzw. Was bewirken mehr oder weniger Löcher? Beim Sip Road sind es ja keine Löcher sondern da fehlt ja einfach auf einer Seite eine Ecke


Each muffler megadella is different, because there are variations that can make it perfect for any engine as opposed to others that although excellent, are not customizable.


warum kommt mir der name des auspuffs nur so bekannt vor? :lookaround:

The megadella XL was produced before Siproad XL and BigBox Sport. Photos on Facebook, in fact back up to nine months.


In wiefern beeinflussen die Löcher im Prallblech die Performance bzw. Was bewirken mehr oder weniger Löcher? Beim Sip Road sind es ja keine Löcher sondern da fehlt ja einfach auf einer Seite eine Ecke

The holes in the bulkhead are to be dimensioned in the number and diameter in proportion with the discharge tube. In the original pot the ratio of the area of the holes and the discharge tube is approximately 2: 1 that is good value, but you can go to 1.75: 1 to increase the rpm or 2.25: 1 to have more torque. The limit values beyond which the muffler deteriorates the performance are 1,5: 1 and 2,5:1.

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  • 1 Monat später...

Na, den baue ich mir doch gleich mal. Warum habt ihr eigentlich den Schalldämpferbereich nicht mit angehoben? Würde sich bei einer Kontrolle durch die Rennleitung sicher besser machen. Sopratutto ,bella storia.


ciao mi puoi mandare in mp quando costa sto bel pezzo! io sto scendendo a Salerno e passerei a prenderla. per p200e



devi sentire privatamente carmelo che la realizza (o su facebook: privitera carmelo o tramite mail: pricar1@yahoo.it), tra 10 giorni sarà pronto il modello 2.0 specifico per motori lamellari


Na, den baue ich mir doch gleich mal. Warum habt ihr eigentlich den Schalldämpferbereich nicht mit angehoben? Würde sich bei einer Kontrolle durch die Rennleitung sicher besser machen. Sopratutto ,bella storia.

I did not understand your post, google translator does not help me, you can write in English?


Ok Heli

Maybe wie can find it out.Try and error .Anyway a god idea .For my opinion a clear body similar to the original Exhaust ,just 30 mm bigger would be the best Solution.

I think I understand the sense of the intervention. The left side of the muffler was left of the standard sizes to simplify the construction and to not touch in the left corners, in version 2.0 also the right part will be worth tapered to have the footprint as small as possible and do not touch in the bends as with the big box.


To make a pot with the whole carcass increased goes completely redone the interior perforated wall.


Then there is the pneumatic brake exerted by the second chamber does not affect the performance, so we looked for, being a modified muffler handcrafted and made in the factory, we have tried to do only what is necessary.



dimmi una cosa: le saldature sono fatte a filo contino o a elettrodo? Penso che avete bisogno di migliorare.

Io preferisco Tig, perce le passate sono piu liscio.


Le saldature sono a filo continuo (mig) perché lo spessore della lamiera (1mm) è di impedimento per la saldatura a TIG, infatti il tig non apportando materiale andrebbe ad assottigliare la lamiera nel punto di saldatura rendendola più fragile. Per realizzare marmitte robuste con saldatura a TIG sono necessarie lamiere di spessore minimo 1,5mm, tuttavia dovendo calandrare a mano le lastre di acciaio è più semplice lavorare con lamiere da 1mm.


Lo scopo della megadella non è mai stato quello di essere uno scarico bello esteticamente, ma efficace e con il continuo sviluppo e la personalizzazione, speriamo diventi il più efficace sul mercato.


Un altra questione: e rumoroso quella Marmitta o anche piu basso il Volume?

Scusa per il Mio italiano




La marmitta ha il medesimo rumore delle altre megadelle, ovvero appena maggiore di quella di serie.


Non preoccuparti il tuo italiano è decisamente migliore del mio tedesco


p.s. ho scritto tutto in italiano perché credo che sia di più facile la traduzione (usando google translate), se poi qualche anima più volesse tradurre ne sarei felice.


Of course you can use any language here, but please be aware that only a minority understands italian. Maybe one of the guys from Alto Adige could translate the italian parts?

Edit: Please keep the topic in english, because it's generally interesting also for non-italian speakers :-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Welds are continuous wire (MIG) Because the thickness of the sheet metal (1 mm) is an impediment to the TIG welding does not make any material fact and should be to sheet metal in the welding point, making it more fragile. To achieve robust silencers with TIG welding requires a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm sheet metal, HOWEVER bending the steel plates by hand is easier to work sheets from 1mm.


The purpose of Mega has never been to be the beauty, but effective, with the continuous development and customization, we hope it will be the most efficacious on the market.


The muffler has the sound of other megadella, not more than standard


Bearbeitet von pk_damiano_4hp
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Nice Work even when i think that the Tig Process can be used with any Thickness of Material. The Problem in Germany is, that our Police control somtimes the Muffler but most of them are Young and have no knowledge from the old Vespa.And maybe when they see weldings that looks different to the remaining original weldings,than is it possible that they take a look moore.Someone will be in trouble than. Anyway the bgm number in the body should be enough to declare the originality.

Thats the reason why i try everytime to weld similar as possible to the original Weldseems.I try to copy your Muffler by using the posted Fotos. But just for my personal Vespa.Hope that this will be not a Problem for you. I want to modifie the complete Muffler, to see if it really

Touch the street .

Danke auch fuer die klaerenden Worte der Moderatoren . Ich bin sprachlos!

Bearbeitet von scheuerglatze
  • 3 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I think, when you enlarge the left side as well, you will get into trouble in left curves...

Regards, Heli


And IT gives no Problems in left curves.


Bearbeitet von scheuerglatze
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