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Empfohlene Beiträge


Hi JuJu_P,


i'm sorry but you have to qoute a price. Price auctions are not tolerated here in this Forum.
So please edit your offer ASAP.


For offerings:

  • we have a few rules for the GSF-Marketplace (nicknamed PORNO; = abbrevations of the german keywords) as there are:

    - give the price! Maximum price auctions will not be tolerated!
    - specify the location of the article, that you want to sell
    - describe the item correctly, pictures preferred
    - don't put the article simultaneously on eBay (or mobile.de, motoscout24.de etc.)
    - no selling without property! The article must be the property of the starter of the topic, no selling for third parties or on behalf of third parties

Try 3400 VHB and look what will happen. I would guess you get 3300 and have to pay the transport

Sorry to tell but that is Lambretta price range in Germany

Sell it to GB: they still go nuts for Lambretta, right?


Yes, it is a real golden, these are 1999 photos before restoration, including certficate of origin with frame and engine numbers.





Regarding price, yes it is open to discussion, You can read here that someone would offer 3300€ but I will not accept it. If you look to ebay sell 6 month history you will find only one Golden Sx, sold in July in UK for approx 3650 GBP approx 5000€.

I'm not interested in swaping due to lack of storage room.



so why don´t you sell  in UK ?!  :wacko:


UK prices are not interesting in D


The problem with the German Scooter Forum is that too many people are leaving messages and talking too much ...


I do not understand what the problem is: He has decided to sell it here in Germany and NOT in the UK - so what ?!

Leave him, by simply doing it !


Why is it that everybody needs to leave a message whenever somebody wants to sell his painted scooter ?!

Not everybody wants an original old-colored Lambretta or Vespa. There are a lot of people out there who want to buy a re-built model.


I really like this bike - it looks great and I hope you will sell it - fair price anyway !

There is a lot of working hours and money to put in whenever it comes to a restauration !

It should be forbidden to leave such negative posts...


So und nun lasst den Jungen seinen Roller verkaufen....



P.S. Das ist übrigens der Grund warum ICH hier keine ganzen Roller mehr verkaufe ... standig dieses Kaputtgelaber !!!


The problem with the German Scooter Forum is that too many people are leaving messages and talking too much ...


I do not understand what the problem is: He has decided to sell it here in Germany and NOT in the UK - so what ?!

Leave him, by simply doing it !


Why is it that everybody needs to leave a message whenever somebody wants to sell his painted scooter ?!

Not everybody wants an original old-colored Lambretta or Vespa. There are a lot of people out there who want to buy a re-built model.


I really like this bike - it looks great and I hope you will sell it - fair price anyway !

There is a lot of working hours and money to put in whenever it comes to a restauration !

It should be forbidden to leave such negative posts...


So und nun lasst den Jungen seinen Roller verkaufen....



P.S. Das ist übrigens der Grund warum ICH hier keine ganzen Roller mehr verkaufe ... standig dieses Kaputtgelaber !!!




Es wäre schön, wenn die Moderatoren mal laut die Marktplatzregeln ins Bewusstsein mancher

Alleskommentierer rücken, wenns sein muss, auch mit Schreibsperren. 


Falls Ihr meine Kommentare meint: wenn der Verkäufer fragt wo dran es liegen könnte darf man seine Meinung äußern

Der Kommentar von Sxxxxx73 mit der Western Union Bankverbindung wurde innerhalb von 2 Std gelöscht


Man(n) könnte auch einfach mal aussetzen und nix schreiben... Schliesslich liegen zwischen seinem Post und deiner Antwort nur wenige Tage...


Einfach mal zurücklehnen und geniessen + klappe halten :cheers:

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