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Im restoring my 1960 VBB and took the speedo apart because i wanted to reset the milelage counter to 0.

after taking the glas, the faceplate and the plate with the red arrow off, the inside mechanism was exposed. When I did this the little spring that keeps the handle that operates the red wheel sprang way. (My english is bad sorry!) anyway, I cannot figure out how the original configuration is; i can't get it back into place!

I also am curious what the original configuration of the small white cogs is; I can't seem to figure out what their setting is either.

Does anybody have some pictures of the inside of the speedo so i can figure out how to put things into place?



Waar kom jij vandaan?

Als jij niet te ver van Duitsland woont kun wij misschien bij mijn werkplaats een ker in de teller kijken :-(

Is maar 40km weg van enschede. En praat vloeiend nederlands :-D

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