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vor einer Stunde schrieb freddykrger:



Hat von euch schon jemand das Schutzblech einer GT160 getauscht? Bzw passt das der Sprint?


Falls nicht muss ich wohl das originale aufarbeiten...

Sprint passt. Fahre ich selbst.


Can't wait for it...:-D

You run it with a Dellorto VHST right?

I would like to try the VHST and a Polini CP type 19 to 23..


Has anyone convert the MV160 engine to reed valve intake with a "normal" two port barrel? This could be also an easy solution.

In my case I don't looking for high numbers on the dyno. I'm probably okay with 10 to 12 at the rear wheel though.

Any suggestions for an exhaust for the original barrel that will support the low transfer timings with good torque at low revs?

I was wondering if the P125 piaggio exhaust would be an option. Instead of all the box type exhaust...




I’m back on the original setup, 19er, to see first how the 170cc and the Sip road work. The sip road has a volume close to a px125 I guess.


I have increased a little bit the inlet timing by increasing the piston squirt cut from 126 to 140 according to Bollag’s advices. 

And timings are 120/150. And I have grinded a little bit the original manifold to make it match perfectly with the cylinder and the yellow spacer.


On the original setup I had a 84 main jet. I tried 92 100 110,  but in each case the full throttle is weird, bowwww and it’s a pain to  reach the maximun rev of the engine. Like if it was too lean. The rest of the power band is great .

I would like to solve this before struggling to find the good atomiser/needle matching on the Vhst.

Could it be the inlet timing or the exaust port too low ? Maybe the ignition ?  



Intake duration should be fine but don't go crazy at this area. A small step could be a step too far. 140° is okay.

The exhaust duration is too small.

There is no blow down duration.

I would recommend 160 to 165 as a first step. Maybe, if possible, in combination with something below 120 transfer duration. Because the area of the transfers is not too small, the windows are huge compared to the barrel.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Do you guys also have this timings on the original barrel ?


Bearbeitet von keuk
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I thought I would have lowered them a little bit increasing the barrel diameter to 62.


What is Rückstand ?

Bearbeitet von keuk
Am 8.6.2019 um 21:57 schrieb wheelspin:

Can't wait for it...:-D

You run it with a Dellorto VHST right?

I would like to try the VHST and a Polini CP type 19 to 23..


Has anyone convert the MV160 engine to reed valve intake with a "normal" two port barrel? This could be also an easy solution.

In my case I don't looking for high numbers on the dyno. I'm probably okay with 10 to 12 at the rear wheel though.

Any suggestions for an exhaust for the original barrel that will support the low transfer timings with good torque at low revs?

I was wondering if the P125 piaggio exhaust would be an option. Instead of all the box type exhaust...





About the reed valve I had this in mind too, but I didn't go further than a PLA prototype. 



vor 41 Minuten schrieb keuk:



About the reed valve I had this in mind too, but I didn't go further than a PLA prototype. 


Nice idea but I'm talking about the position of the p-range SI carb.

U know the small reed valve system to use with the SI carb. As long as the engine is not completed I would like to fit a reed valve for SI crabs to the engine to run it with a normal barrel.


It's a pity to modify the original casings, furthermore you will have to change or modify the crankshaft. What about a M1X ?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 8.6.2019 um 06:08 schrieb keuk:

Arround 60€.


one for me too please. thanks :thumbsup:

Bearbeitet von digs
vor 8 Stunden schrieb keuk:

It's a pity to modify the original casings, furthermore you will have to change or modify the crankshaft. What about a M1X ?


A few days ago I did a reed valve conversion to a SS50 engine but that's another story...;-)

In the end of the day it is what it is, an old and busted engine case... :-D


No, I don't want to spend too much money for a new barrel and I definitely not looking for a bunch of horses.


I will try your intake pipe first with a VHST or CP carb. 

Btw I'm looking for an air mixture screw for the original UA carb. Are there the dimensions around? The one of my carb was totally destroyed...


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

This guy has probably the part:

Or this guy:

By my side I think I will test another new piston, I have 142 inlet and 0,5 gasket and already at 120 for transfert port. I would like to figure put how it works first with near original diagrams before I try to improve something :-)

Bearbeitet von keuk

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