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Sounds from the Shelter vol.29 - Look up and smile

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Neuer Podcast online. Midtempo und so. Der Jahreszeit entsprechend.




Four Sonics . Easier said than done
Brothers of Soul . Dream (Shock vers)
Bury Reynolds . Try me
Gene & Eddie . It's no sin
Chicago Pete . Look up and smile
Bobby Sheen . I may not be what you want
The Gambrells . Find a love
The Tears . Good luck my love
Gladys Knight & The Pips . Tell her you're mine
The Intentions . Don't forget that I love you
Joey Gilmore . Girl your best friend done took your place
The Naturals . Da da I love you
Purple Mundi . Stop hurting me baby
Kenny Shepard . What difference does it make
Skip Cunningham . Have we met before
Bobby Patterson . I get my groove from you
Sammy Stevens . Watch your step
The Sinceres . Don't waste my time
James Royal . A woman called sorrow
Spyder Turner . I can't wait until I see my baby's face
The Stoppers . Come back baby
Brotherly Love . A whole lotta you in me
L.J. Reynolds . Key to the world
Harry Deal . I still love you
Three Prophets . I think I really love you
Linda Jones . It won't take much (to bring me back)
The Turnpikes . Nothing but promises
Cicero Blake . Sad Feeling
Jimmy Radcliffe . My ship is coming in
Jimmy Ricks . Oh what a feeling
Kim Weston . Do like I do
The Solitaires . Fool that I am
Roddie Joy . He's so easy to love
Harry Starr . Step into my world
Harvey Scales . I'll run to your side

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