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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

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down in the park where the machmen meet

the machine and play kill by numbers

down in the park with a friend called five

I was in a car crash or was it the war

but i never been quite the same

little white lies like I was there

come to tom-tom´s the place to eat

like it was built in one day

you can wath the humans trying to run

oh look, there´s a rape machine

i´d go outside if it´d look the other way

wouldn´t believe the things they do

down in the park

where the chant is death, death, death

til´ sun cries morning

down in the park with friends of mine

we are not lovers, we are not romantics

we are here to serve

different face but the words never change

..für den ders nicht kennt, down in the Park von den Foo Fighters :-D

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