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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

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Going loco down in Acapulco if you stay too long


you'll be going loco down in Acapulco

the magic down there is so strong.

Feel the pressure

your back's against the wall

love is gainig on you

you're just about to fall.

If you're afraid to love

afraid to take a chance

you better hide your feelings

get out while you can.

'Cause you'll be going loco down in Acapulco

if you stay too long


You can hear voices bleeding through those warm Latin nights

memories are lost and found

leaving broken hearts all over town.

'Cause you'll be going loco down in acapulco if you stay too



You'll be pulling out your hair

drowning in despair

with a whole lot of nothing on your way to nowhere.

Your search for paradise will come to an end

when you realize what a fool you've been.

You'll be haunted by her face

missing her warm embrace

memories of loving her

holding her tight every night.

Was that the best part of your life ?

Hearing her voice soft and low

begging you to please

please don't go.

- Don't go

no ! Don't go ! Don't go ! -

You can hear voices bleeding through those warm Latin nights


'Cause you'll be going loco down in acapulco if you stay too



going loco down in acapulco if you stay too long


going loco down in acapulco if you stay too long



ohje..600 posts und das meiste im blabla..


..sollte ich mir gedanken machen..?


..ach was ! :-D

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hab das plakat bei google gefunden  - hab nach was von meteors gsucht - und dann stones gehört....  :-D   :-D


aha aha ;-)

Nekromantix - Subcultural Girl :love: :love:


Subcultural girl, you shock my world

psychobilly hot babe, rude girl, new wave

punk chick, skin girl honey i'm your slave

i dig the way you do your hair

i love your attitude and the clothes you wear

no square's needed when you're around

you seduce me with the smell of underground

my rockabilly pinup you're so tough

i cant get enough...

subcultural girl, you shock my world




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