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vor 12 Minuten schrieb great8ride:

Glaube ich nicht ,aber das Rücklicht schon!


du glaubst nicht,dass die weniger wert sind..??

hatten auf jedenfall alle mal diese blöden Blinker,oder?

Wie er das Handschuhfach auf der einen Seite völlig blank gerubbelt hat ist auch ne Kunst

ER würde sie am liebsten gegen ne Lamy  tauschen:"OGPaint with sexy Patina..."

Looking to trade my Rally for a Lambretta (other than a series 3 LI) with a comparable value, plus or minus a little bit. I'm not really looking for a cash sale, but if you can wow me with an offer I'll listen. About three years ago I completely rebuilt the engine with all new seals, bearings, clutch, one new gear, new rings, and a honed cylinder. It's still running the original 6 volt Femsa ignition with an aftermarket CDI. It's a battery bike. New cables that are silky smooth. It has a new fuel tap and seat cover. The speedo was rebuilt by SpeedoKing, keeping the original 11,000 miles on the odometer. It usually starts on one kick - sometimes two or three. About 800 miles on it since the rebuild. Some of the turn signals were busted so I removed those parts, but have since found a complete set that was taken off another bike, if you're into that sort of thing. It has a new front damper, but needs a new rear shock and maybe a new front spring. It's OG paint with sexy patina. The lower tail was crunched in a bit. It pulled out pretty well. This is a runner that you can get on and go right now. I'm primarily looking for a series 2, or maybe interesting series 3 - special, tv, gp, etc. 

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