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24th Challenge Scootentole, 17+18/06/16, Magny-Cours Kart! - CANCELED !!!

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Due to the lack of enough participation, the race meeting is CANCELED:???:


See you on the 24th and 25th of September for the 10 hours Endurance race in Magny Cous (Club track). Registration already open via email [email protected].





MaVespa and Scootentole present:

The 24th Challenge Scootentole on the Magny-Cours Karting race track,
17th and 18th of June, 2016 !!



1110m x 8m:



/!\ NEW 2016 ATTENTION, new formula running over one and an half days (Starting Friday 15h): Sprint races and Endurance ! :thumbsup:  
* Sprint races like previous years (same categories), but with two sessions of 15mins + 2 laps instead of 10mins + 2 laps
* 5 hours Endurance, 2 to 5 drivers. Same reglement as "Endurance 10h Magny Cours Club", except: TWO categories (small and large), working lights not mandatory.

Cost and registration 

Payment on the spot !!

Registration give you acess to the track, campsite, saturday's party; 1 tombola ticket, 2 breakfasts, transponder rental and insurance (civil and physical) for Friday afternoon and Saturday full day.

  • Registration Sprint race driver: 70€
  • Registration Sprint race driver C1: 35€
  • egistration Sprint, another category : 20€
  • Registration Endurance driver: 60€
  • Visitor (adult, 1 night on campsite): 10€
  • Saturday night diner, Grilled pig: starter, main dish, desert, wine: 14EUR (Book it via http://challenge.scootentole.org/index_en.php )




  • SPRINT RACEhttp://challenge.scootentole.org/index_en.php  - OPEN !!
  • ENDURANCE: via email: [email protected] - OPEN !!
    For Endurance registration, you have to provide :

    • Name of the team, Names of each driver (2 to 5), Name of team manager and other members
    • Two e-mail contacts, Two mobile phone numbers
    • Type of scooter with real displacement of the engine, main modifications, type of exhaust… Details and pictures if possible !


For any category (C1, C2S, C2L, C3-1, C3-2, C4, C7 AND ENDURANCE), you MUST provide:

  • Driving-licence soft-copies for each driver  (Send scans and bring to the track)
  • Medical certificate of each driver soft-copies for each driver (must be less than 1 year old, Send scans and Bring to the track). DMV insurance does NOT work as this is NOT an ESC race
  • /!\ NEW 2016: To accelerate registration, the technical checklist already fully filled and signed for each scooter Download AND PRINT document



Provisional Planning
Friday, 17th of June
13h - 16h: Registration and technical control

Free practice 1 (no timing) - 20 minutes 
15h00: Practice1 C2S + C2L + C4
15h20: Practice1 C3-1 + C3-2
15h40: Practice1 C1 + C7
Free practice 2 (No timing) - 30 minutes 
16h00: Practice2 C2S + C2L + C4
16h30: Practice2 C3-1 + C3-2
17h00: Practice2 C1 + C7
Qualification for SPRINT race - 20 minutes 
17h30: Qualification C2S + C2L
17h50: Qualification C3-1 + C3-2
18h10: Qualification C4 
18h30: Qualification C1 + C7 


Saturday 18th of June
08h15: Briefing pilotes
Sprint Race1 ( 5 minutes warmup + grid + 15minutes + 2 laps ~30mins)
08h30: Race1 C2S + C2L
09h00: Race1 C3-1 + C3-2
09h30: Race1 C4
10h00: Race1 C1 + C7

Sprint Race2 (grid + 15minutes + 2 Laps ~25mins)
10h30: Race2C2S + C2L
10h55: Race2C3-1 + C3-2
11h20: Race2C4
11h45: Race2C1 + C7

Pause 12h05 - 13h00


Endurance (5 hours, randomized starting grid, will be announced shortly before the start !)
12h45: Briefing pilotes
13h00: Start Endurance
18h00: Finish Endurance

18h30 - Podiums !


Saturday night party, MaVespa
+ Apero for everyone
+ Fest: Grilled pig: starter, main dish, desert, wine: 14EUR (Book it via http://challenge.scootentole.org/index_en.php )

Get ready !



Thanks to our sponsors !!!!

Authentik Scooter




DRT-Denis Racing Team




LTH - Lambretta Teile Heilbronn


MRP - High Performance


SIP Scootershop


Korona Racing












AF Parts







Bearbeitet von KTy

Due to the lack of enough participation, the race meeting is CANCELED:???:


See you on the 24th and 25th of September for the 10 hours Endurance race in Magny Cous (Club track). Registration already open via email [email protected].


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