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Sounds from the Shelter

A bunker full of music


Rimini Rare Soul Weekender 2016 #13 - A weekend of sea, sun and soul!

Had such a great time there and heard some fantastic records.

Back home I knew I just had to dedicate my next podcast to that weekender. So down the stairs into my shelter I went and pulled out a selection of tunes that either got played over the weekend or would have fit in quite nicely.


Luther Vandross . Are you using me . EMI UK 12 *
Jamie Lewis ft. Chance . Street life . Purple Music 12 *
Philly Cream . Motown Review (12") . Fantasy WMOT 12"
James "Bootie" Tuten . This is a love affair . Ultimate 45
William Bostic . That's what you do to me . SOR 45
Blacksmoke . Sunshine, Roses and Rainbow (D) . German Casablanca LP
John Edwards . How can I go on without you . UK Kent Promo LP
Garfield Fleming . Don't send me away (12") . D.Trax 12"
The Whatnauts . Help is on the way (12") . Harlem Int. 12"
Carol Anderson . I found love . Coup LP
Randy Brown . I'm always in the mood . Parachute LP
Starvue . Put the BS aside . Midwest LP
Numonics . You lied . Hodisk 45
Tommie Young . Hit and run lover . Soul Power LP
Bobby Sheen . Something new to do . Jamaican WB 45
Tommy Tate . I can't do enough for you baby . Record Shack 45 TP
LaVern Baker . I'm the one to do it . Brunswick LP
The Ohio Players . Love slips through my fingers . Trip LP
Freddy Butler . That's when I need you . US Kapp LP
The Ovations feat. Louis Williams . I'm in love . MGM 45
Lillian Dupree . (I've got a) Shield around my heart . D-Town 45
Jon Lucien . Would you believe in me . RCA LP
Karin Jones . Ready, ready love . Handshake LP
Vaneese & Carolyn . Goodbye song . UK Expansion compilation


(I played both at the very first weekender in 2001)

Bearbeitet von benji
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