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Hallo an alle! Mein Name ist Xavier und ich bin italienisch. Sie besitzen eine Vespa ACMA VL2T 150. In Italien ist dieses Modell "Strauß" genannt.
Ich möchte gestrahlt werden und die Platte in Sicht verlassen. Ich werde Owatrol verwenden, um die Arbeit zu halten.
Sie haben Tipps für mich?
Vielen Dank und sorry für mein Deutsch!
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Maybe in English is better!

I was scared about using google translator and now I see, what I wrote doesn't have sense...

I have a 150 VL2T Vespa. This model is called ACMA for sure in France and in Deutschland too I suppose.

In Italy we call it "struzzo"! It's a slang!

The first step of my project is sandblasting. I  would like to preserve the natural colour of the bodywork using Owatrol.

But I think after the sandblasting I have to use brushes o something like that to make more shiny the bodywork. As soon as possible I'll post some picture to explain my project and I hope some of you help me to achieve my project.


thank you all

bye bye

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A struzzo (VL) is an italian version. ACMA was the french license holder of Vespa. Different models were built. Instead of one little area in germany, Acma were not sold here. We had 3 Vespa factories here. First Hoffmann,  then Messerschmitt,  then Vespa Augsburg GmbH.  The model VL was available here with the new name Touren 1 (T1)...imported as a VL but updated with german parts to sell it as a Messerschmitt T1 in 1955. In which condition is your VL? If original in first paint or with original paint under later lacquer.... ...you won*t find a lot of people here which love the idea of sandblasting it. Maybe you can show a pic first .

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In addition, Owatrol or Oxyblock need a rusty surface to adhere to the steel. Please do NOT cover the Vespa with clear coat!


As gattinator said, please post a picture of your Struzzo. Do not hesitate, especially not with sandblasting.

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