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Rallies & Event In Germany?

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Hello All!


Having recently attended Venlo, I was really impressed with the European attitude to scooters and scooter rallies.

The vibe was much younger, chilled and lacking the cliché element that some UK rallies have.


I fancy attending a rally in Germany in 2017, and am looking for suggestions?

I would like to do something not attended by many English if any at all, and within a reasonable distance from the Netherlands/Belgium (300-400 miles). A nice chilled ride with some site seeing would be nice, however would ride much further for something really interesting. I like rallies with a good mix of music and something on in the afternoon like games or grass tracking etc.



Bearbeitet von servetakid

I have edited my post to read 2017. Thanks for the list of events, however, as I am not familiar with many of these I would appreciate personal suggestions and opinions.


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