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Empfohlene Beiträge


ist ja eigentlich ein termine-topic, aber hier im lambretta-forum sind dann warscheinlich doch eher die richtigen ansprechpartner.

einige holländer haben wohl eine fähre gebucht (amsterdam bis newcastle glaube ich). evtl. kann man sich da noch kurzfristig einklinken.

die fähre geht mittwoch abend und kommt do morgen in schottland an. dann 4 tage vor ort und sonntag abend das gleich zurück.



gibts da nicht so ne fiese teilnehmerbeschränkung auf 500 leute ?

meines wissens sei das schon dicht, wenn man bedenkt, dass die tommies bei solchen treffen das gros der leute bildet.

aber man kann ja auch nur so anwesend sein...


immer noch ohne nr 3


puh, gute fragen. ich hab mich bisher ja aus allen club-geschichten rausgehalten, deshalb weiss ich auch nicht, wie man sich da meldet.


The Euro Lambretta Jamboree's are an opportunity for Lambretta riders around the world to gather and meet their counter parts from differing countries. Each country takes it in turn to host Euro Lambretta, the hosts for 2004 are Scotland

Euro - Lambretta Jamboree, 4-6th June 2004

Kelso Agricultural Showground, Scotland


All national Lambretta Club members are cordially invited to take part in Scotland's first Euro-Lambretta Jamboree At Kelso Agricultural Showground (Springfield Park), in the Scottish Borders, over the weekend of 4-6th June 2004. Updates on the event will appear periodically on our website (www.innocenti.org ) but in the meantime we would be grateful if you could take the time to make the enclosed information available to your members.


The beautiful village of Kelso, situated in the historic Scottish Borders, is our location for the event. The accessibility for both our continental and English friends is superb. The village is a stone's throw from the English border and almost equidistant from the Rosyth and Newcastle ferry ports at around 70 miles either way (please refer to maps).


Many of the towns on both sides of the present border have changed hands several time over the centuries with the varying fortunes of the combatants and although most now show a distinct cultural difference in architecture etc. you can still see the similarities on both sides of the border if you take the trouble to delve a little deeper. Worth a return visit perhaps? This almost perpetual warfare has meant the Borders region of Scotland has been a haven for outlaws of all descriptions, some hailed as heroes and others as villains, usually dependant on which crown they owed allegiance to, since before the dark ages. The effects of the union of the crowns in 1603 did little to alleviate the lawlessness; feuds and cattle and sheep rustling were still common even after the act of union united the Scottish and English parliaments in 1707. Despite this bloody history of banditry and warfare, you will find the people here extremely amenable and very friendly! We hope to leave at least some free time to give you the opportunity of sampling some of the local hospitality and visiting a few of the many historic sites. The opportunity for some first class ride-outs to historic sites through dramatic scenery and on some excellent 'B' roads is second to none and this, together with the superb facilities available, provides the basis for a memorable Jamboree.


The venue itself is the Kelso Agricultural Showground, ten minutes from the centre of the village. The grounds, which are more than large enough to accommodate us, are kept in immaculate condition and ideal for either camping or motor-homes etc. as well as suitable for any games or trials we wish to indulge in. We have access to two toilet blocks, the more modern of which houses shower and washing facilities but not a laundrette unfortunately. They have invested heavily in a new multifunctional hall c/w large kitchen and dance floor and this will be ideal for both the Friday night 'welcoming party' and Saturday evening meal. It will also function as a standby to accommodate dealers and/or concourse de elegance in the event of poor weather. There is also a smaller, though still substantial, hall adjacent to the main hall and this is currently being used as a store but may be available should we desire it. Thus adding to the overall flexibility of the venue. The venue played host to the Scottish National Scooter Rally earlier this year and this was a very successful event, with around 700 in attendance. Reports suggest that the staff coped well with their first scooter event and our contact with them has been very cordial. Although the Jamboree will only run from 09:00 Friday 4th to 13:00 Sunday 6th we will have access to the facilities both on the Thursday prior and Monday after the Jamboree. We are therefore welcome to extend our stay should we wish. If demand warrants it we will endeavour to organise some diversions for those who take advantage of this offer. There will be no extra charge for the use of the site, but activities extraneous to the Jamboree may require a contribution; we will discuss this with those concerned beforehand.


Whilst we will, as stated in the guidelines, lean heavily towards Scottish traditions and culture for most of Saturday evening's entertainment, we hope to keep the theme of the Jamboree eclectic enough to appeal to everyone attending. We have a 'welcoming party' planned for Friday for instance and 'discos' for much later in the evenings. Saturday's evening meal will be themed on a 'Burn's Supper', c/w Haggis and Neeps (alternative choices will be available!), Scottish pipers and the full address of the Haggis etc. before moving on to the presentations and speeches and finally the 'disco' for the night owls.


Although we would have preferred to price the event in Euros, the current fluctuations in exchange rates make this impossible and tickets will be priced at £55(GBP) for adults, £30 for 5-16 year-olds (under 5's free), which should be forwarded to: -

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

38 St. Andrew Square

Edinburgh EH2 2YB


Account No.: 830608 10347729 “Lambretta Club of Scotland”

The account will be open for transactions on 30th March 2004 and the final date for applications/payments is 27th April 2004. Only bona fide members of recognised National Lambretta clubs need apply. Without exception, no applications will be accepted after 27th April.

We have issued 500 tickets with the majority of these reserved for LCGB and our own members. Whilst we have an option to increase this to 600 tickets, we would advise you to return your applications, preferably in bulk, to avoid excessive bank administration charges (which are your responsibility), as soon as possible after the 30th March to avoid disappointment.

Completed application forms should be returned, preferably by e-mail, to:

Billy Hardie

158 Walker Crescent


Inverness IV2 7NB



The following should be used as a guide to activities only; please refer to your official programme at the event for confirmation and fuller details.

Thursday 3rd:

Access to site from 12:00.

Further activities by prior arrangement.

Friday 4th:

09:00 - Rally officially opens.

09:00 - 22:00 - Signing on point opening hours.

15:00 - 18:00 - Ride-out.

20:00 - Welcoming party.

Saturday 5th:

08:00 - 10:00 - Breakfast

11:00 - 13:00 - Ride-out and 'Civic reception' in town square.

14:00 - 17:00 - Return to site for concourse de elegance, sports, dealers, pipe band etc.

19:00 - Gala Evening: Three course 'Burn's Supper' accompanied by traditional ceiledh band followed by speeches, presentations and late night disco.

Sunday 6th: 08:00 - 10:00 - Breakfast.

11:00 - Concourse de elegance results and presentations.

13:00 - Rally officially closes.

Post 13:00 - Possible ride out for late/Monday departures. Further activities by prior arrangement.

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