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I just renovated my 1988 PX200-engine...

-New bearings, seals and gaskets.


I now have a oilleakage from the SI carburettor.


There are of course New gaskets between carb and carbbox and between carbbox and casings.


It leaks two stroke oil from somewhere underneath the carbbox (no two stroke oil inside the carbbox)

-and yes, I've changed the gasket 3 times...


Any suggestion on where the leakage can be?




Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Just check again all the way of the oil flow: hose/inlet pipe, pipe screw, oil pump cap inc. gasket, gasket below carb, gasket below carb box. Make sure that all seal surfaces are clean, flat and without any scratches or similar defects. Also the gaskets neet to be free of dirt and defects. Basic paper gaskets work well. In general liquids are nasty and find any gaps to escape. But if all hints are followed it should work fine - its no rocket science!

Bearbeitet von x-band

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