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I'm currently building a M244-engine for my SS180.

I'm using a Pinasco VXR26/26 carb With the funnel and was wondering what airfilter to use.

As it is to be fit in a SS180 frame, I'm not using a hose Connected to the frame.

Any suggestions what airfilter to put on the carburettor Box?



To use the original hose w/o an additional air filter is the smartest way to solve this issue. That is what I think.

I'm not sure but I guess you'll need an adaptor to connect the SS hose to the p-range carb bowl or you do it the redneck way- just tie it down to the needed diameter. To use one of the original SS metal ties could be an optical "plus"...


OK, I'm leaning more towards a setup similar to the Polini venturi kit, but just buy a filter, as the Pinasco comes with a funnel...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Of course you can solve it like this.

But this will offer you the roaring and pesky sound of an open rotary valve engine. And the fact that a displacment Monster like the m244 is will make it worse when it takes it's breath.

If you have two Bad ears or you just don't care- Go for it.

But this is not the Sound that I would like to have with this little cutie.


Just my two Cents 


Hmm, the noise/sound from the engine is ok for a while, but not for long distance riding...

Sounds like the hose is going back on...

Thanks for advice! [emoji1303]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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