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Empfohlene Beiträge


Danke an die Veranstalter!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: 


Danke auch an die Hugos für immer ein trockenes Plätzchen, Spaß und Party!


Danke auch an das Wetter für zumindest keinen Hagel und keinen Schnee. Danke auch an den Alk-Gott für nur mittleren Schädel. Danke an den Zelt-Gott für ein dichtes Dach.


Danke an Achim für den Stunt auf dem geliehenen Cross-Roller und das starke und abrupte Anhaltemanöver. Auch hier waren Promillezahlen im Spiel, die zweistellig lauteten.

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:thumbsup: wie jedes Jahr :cheers:


vor einer Stunde schrieb Gerhard:





Bericht von Stefano auf FB:



Hi friends I’m here to tell you of the beautiful experience I had this week-end that has just finished.
I was contacted by my good friend Stephan Sippl and Gerhard Zett invited me in Germany to take part at the 200m race in Singen, I decide to participate because I hadn’t been riding anymore after my accident a year ago. Gerhard gave me a Vespa with a very powerful DEA ENGINE (compliment to DEA for the high quality material), a fantastic engine it was a pity the problems with the clutch that didn’t permit me to use it as I usually would have but this didn’t stop me. I would say that even if difficultly the results arrived. I had to battle with very strong rivals like: Christoph Cramer, Matthias Brugger and Gerhard Zett and the other riders that i don't remember the name (excusing my self for this) that didn’t give me a break till the end like with which I battled for the various first places. Anyway I managed a first place a second place and last but not least the prize for Best of all.
And to think that not long ago a person wanted me to anticipate my retirement.
I enjoyed myself extremely, it was many years that I didn’t enjoy myself like that, the atmosphere is completely different from the one of our races, you feel the passion, the friendship and the right rivalty between the riders.
It’s always great going to Germany, a lovely country where the people always welcome me warmly, I hope the spectators went home with a smile like I did thanks to them.
Thank you to Matthias Dahl for leanding his street vespa to Kevin who enjoyed himself a lot.
Another satisfaction of the day was when Valerie Julia Heigold stopped me saying she’s my great fan, she told me she won two races in Nürburgring , it was exciting answering to some of her questions and taking a photo together.
And last but not least a special thanks to all the organizers and the crew.

For Truls Herland get well soon.


vor 20 Minuten schrieb pv211:

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ist wohl nicht Jungendfrei....


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