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After searching high and low for a headlamp upgrade for my Vijai Super, I felt lucky to spot a headlamp from a New Holland 3630 tractor. The reflector assembly is of the same size of that of the Vijai Super. Took the plunge and procured an assembly from a New Holland dealer near my place. All I had to do was to devise an adaptation to make use of the this light assembly with the Vijai Super headlight ring. Took help from a friend who translated my paper cut model into a Laser cut piece. Did some welding and the final product was crimped to the 3630 reflector assembly. Will let the pictures speak about the details.









  • Like 9
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

In fact, very nice !

I was always missing good front light on my GP/DL.

Would your friend do some more of the laser pieces (and you the welding work)?


Bearbeitet von Motown1971
38 minutes ago, Werner Amort said:

Wie geil ist das denn :-)


How much for the Laser piece?


I had paid about Rs 350/- (Less than 5 Euro) for the laser cutting & the little brazing work.

31 minutes ago, Motown1971 said:

In fact, very nice !

I was always missing good front light on my GP/DL.

Would your friend do some more of the laser pieces (and you the welding work)?


I am more than happy to get more of them prepared. The shipping cost from India is going to be prohibitive against the cost of this ring itself. But if you could wait till the end of June, I could probably prepare a few and send with my brother who lives in Bochum. Shipping inside DE is not going to be that expensive.

3 minutes ago, Werner Amort said:

Do you have the fiat new holland number from the reflector?

I shall look at the package or the purchase bill and share here in a day or two.

  • Like 1
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Has the headlight also a parking light? or only high and low beam?

is it made of plastic or metal? if its made of plastic it is easier to put a parking light inside


usually here in Austria we only would take it if it is from an Steyr tractor

tankfully Steyr is a part of CNH


Bearbeitet von Pferschy
46 minutes ago, Pferschy said:

Has the headlight also a parking light? or only high and low beam?

is it made of plastic or metall? if its made of plastic it is easier to put a parking light inside


usually here in Austria we only would take it if it is from an Steyr tractor

tankfully Steyr is a part of CNH


Unfortunately it lacks a parking light. And the entire reflector assembly is made out of metal like in the Vijai Super. True, it is unit of CNH. But you might have to confirm if this model headlight comes in the EU models.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I'm not sure if the model is sold in Italy or other euopean Countrys, I've seen none.
With the spare part number I could ask the local NewHolland dealer if he can order the lamp.

Bearbeitet von Werner Amort
  • 4 Wochen später...

Nach dem ich im NewHolland Teile-Online Katalog nix gefunden habe, war ich heute bei der NewHolland Vertretung Südtirol.


dort haben die das Modell auch nicht gelistet, weil der Traktor nicht in der EU verkauft wird...

Er konnte mir also keine Ersatzteilnummer raussuchen und so auch nix bestellen...

mit ner nummer könnte ich s nochmal probieren hier zu bekommen...



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