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1970's Vespa Rally200 for Immediate Sale


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@VespaEnthusiast: Please make sure that you follow the marketplace rules for the future!
Especiallay the following point:


Pushing the Topic is only allowed after 7 days. If you want to edit the Topic in between, please edit the first post.


Of course, this rule applies to all your Topics!  







  • 1 Monat später...
On 8/30/2017 at 3:18 AM, M210 said:

Okay so I am really interested in this beautifull blue scoot. May I ask for a pair of hi-pics showing the numbers of the stamped frame next to the rear brake pedal and engine? Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Plz. Send me your email address to send you the pics of pics and video of this Rally180 VSD model, if still interested?

On 8/30/2017 at 3:18 AM, M210 said:

Okay so I am really interested in this beautifull blue scoot. May I kindly ask for providing a couple of hq pics showing both the numbers of the stamped frame, the badge next to the rear brake pedal and engine? Thank you in advance.

I have knowledge of SS90 in unrestored original condition, I found not in Pakistan but abroad. Owner owned since 40 years and now offered for sale. If you're serious buyer how much would you pay for such a rare sought after model. Serious offer will be considered. Sorry the owner is shaky no pics given by him but my counterpart has seen confirmed its engine No. SS901M *4002* 1968.

On 8/30/2017 at 4:16 PM, oehli said:

Dagibts doch ein eigenes Topic für !



By the way,  i would also like to order some SS90 and some SS 50 Models.

It you get enough Scooters to fill up an 8Feet Container, M210 and me would like to share.



Am 4.11.2017 um 11:55 schrieb VespaEnthusiast:

I have knowledge of SS90 in unrestored original condition, I found not in Pakistan but abroad. Owner owned since 40 years and now offered for sale. If you're serious buyer how much would you pay for such a rare sought after model. Serious offer will be considered. Sorry the owner is shaky no pics given by him but my counterpart has seen confirmed its engine No. SS901M *4002* 1968.

For how much can you offer it .


Without having any pictures, i am unable to tell any prices.


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