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Vm2 verkaufe 2 vespa


Empfohlene Beiträge


Vespas stehen in Győr, westliches Ungarn. Es handelt sich um zwei Vespa VM2T. Eine davon hat ita. Papiere. Alle beide sind mit einem kleinen Service eventuell fahrbereit. Zum Restaurieren oder zum so behalten im Originallack. Mehr Fotos per whatsapp.


Ich stelle mir für beide zusammen 10.000 € vor.



welcome to GSF! I edited your ad, please read the GSF-rules for the marketplace:


we have a few rules for the GSF-Marketplace (nicknamed PORNO; = abbrevations of the german keywords) as there are:

  • give the Price! Maximum price auctions will not be tolerated!
  • specify the lOcation of the article, that you want to sell
  • describe the item coRrectly, pictures preferred
  • don't put the article simultaNeously on eBay (or mobile.de, motoscout24.de etc.)
  • no selling without prOperty! The article must be the property of the starter of the topic, no selling for third parties or on behalf of third parties

If you would add some pictures, the scooters will be selled maybe better - but it's up to you ;-)


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