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Empfohlene Beiträge



Last year I built a M244 engine With following spec:
Pinasco casings

Quattrini M244 crank
Quattrini M244 kit

Pinasco SI26 VRX

EFL gearbox With 24/64

Static ignition on 19* (original Vespa)

Sip Road 2.0

It went well, did 132km/h on the flat With the PAV41 behind....
-but I want more...

What are my options for carburettor without reed, and better exhaust, preferably a right hand, as the engine is fitted in my SS180...
-and preferably an exhaust that Works With mainstand...


Thanks for help!



No need for right hand exhaust!

Just thought that to get noticable improvement from SIP Road, I had to go for a rap...

But Thanks for the tip!
-I’ll send Marco a mail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RZ Mark One ?

Yes, I’ve thought about that one.

Or an old S&S Emo if I could find one....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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