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Get Smart Roma 3rd Mod/Sixties Weekender
26/27/28 January 2018
Roma (Italy)

the best in underground sixties music and style from the holy city

Cool venues in city center - Two allnighters - Pub entertainment - Records/Clothes stalls - Quality booze/food - Scooters - Style

Info: getsmartroma@gmail.com
FB Page: getsmartroma

Club soul - Northern soul - Rhythm and Blues - Modern Jazz - Freakbeat - Psych - Latin - Boogaloo - Ska - Boss Reggae

We are happy to announce the international guest dj lineup for the 2018 weekender:
- Alan Handscombe (London - UK)
- Flo Tippelt (Munich - Germany)
- Ian Jackson (London - UK)
who will play for us in both allnighters (Friday 26 and Saturday 27 January 2018). Together with them we will have some special guests (to be announced) and, of course, our Get Smart Roma dj crew.
Both allnighters will take place at a NEW and LARGER cool venue with wooden dancefloor in the Ostiense/Piramide area.
The area where the weekender (full programme available from September) will take place (Ostiense/Piramide) is close to many affordable hotels and bed and breafasts (a list will be pusblished in the next days on the Facebook event) and and it is walking distance to main touristic attractions (Colosseo, Circo Massimo, Fori Imperiali, and more).
Be there and book your flights now!!!

Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/669059153278879/



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