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i am very close to buy a GS 150 but its not as the usual GS 150. i think that its a German model GS4, T4, messerschmitt or something like that. i really dont know the differences. its a vide frame vespa with 10 inch wheels. also the carb is on the cylinder. also the engine cowl secures with something different than a hook system. i started to search to find more info and photos via frame and egine numbers which start with VDS1T and VDS1M (and i found nothing on the net). maybe i could find year manufactured and photos because i think that the vespa i ll buy dont have all the original parts. is missing rear light, horn and maybe a handlebar (i am not sure the one it has it is for this model). can anyone help me or tell me where to search? i am sorry if i am not in the right section. if i am not please move my post to the right one. thanks

P.S. i attach a photo i found on the net and seems to be just like this one. 


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

On the webside it's already sold...

There they say it's a 1958 model, but it has an indicator switch. Then it is a model later 1960 (VD2TS). The indicators are missing on the pics.


Nice ride!


... I didn't notice your P.S. :whistling:

Bearbeitet von ape61

I think the engine number VDS1M is from a german GS3 Messerschmitt, one of the last models from Messerschmitt.

My Messerschmitt has this engine number but my frame number is VD2TS XXXX




Vds1m ist doch Gs2, meine beiden hatten jedenfalls so einen motor verbaut...

Rahmenpräfix deutet ja auch dahin..

Fotos würden allerdings licht ins dunkel bringen.. :-)



It is not a GS2 Messerschmitt, which would have the Cables outside...like an italian VS1.

It is an early Messerschmitt GS3...'58..still with the straight floorboard...and not the round one which is most known on a GS3.

It should had just one plate on the tunnel....two plates came later with the Augsburg GmbH .

Framenr. VD2TS 7001-10480. TYPE 112. Around 200 of them were also send to Douglas in England.

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