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police on Piaggio


Calling All Scooters? Officers Will Patrol With a Putt-Putt-Putt


Published: August 27, 2004


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  Police Department




Republican Party


he New York City Police Department is preparing to mobilize a new tool to prevent chaos during the Republican National Convention - a fleet of sleek, stylish Italian scooters. The police have purchased 300 scooters made by Piaggio, the company that created the Vespa, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said yesterday.

Along with giving officers a taste of "La Dolce Vita," the scooters will allow the police far more mobility as they seek to control the protests or get to trouble spots. The BV200 scooters, which cost the city about $2,800 each, can help the police maneuver through congested streets and can even be driven on sidewalks if necessary.

"We wanted to increase our mobility, our flexibility," he said. "The scooters give us the ability to respond quickly and properly."

Scooter officers have been training on the Piaggios for about two months, and may all be deployed in the days leading up to and during the convention, Mr. Kelly said. Ten platoons consisting of 250 uniformed scooter officers will be on patrol, riding near Madison Square Garden and throughout the city, he said. The uniformed platoons, which include captains, lieutenants, sergeants and other officers, will be riding customized white scooters decorated with blue department decals and the department motto.

An additional two platoons of plainclothes officers riding unmarked scooters will also be cruising around the city, Mr. Kelly said.

Costantino Sambuy, the president of Piaggio USA, said he was not worried that new police purchases may interfere with the company's hipster image. In fact, he's counting on it.

"We're looking forward to people seeing it as less hip and more mainstream," Mr. Sambuy said. "The police getting the scooters is a sign that they're becoming a part of the urban landscape."

He said police officers in countries like Spain, Italy, Romania and Hungary have been patrolling on Piaggio scooters for years.

Mr. Kelly, a longtime scooter fan, said he planned to try riding one of the Piaggios, "but not before the convention."

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