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Hello all,


I have come into the possession of a lovely German model Lambretta. It is in original paint and that has cleaned up well, however there are a few bashes that I think a tasteful sticker might hide. It would be nice to pay homage to it's German heritage. 


So I'm after suggestions for some vintage/of the era stickers? Either Lambretta related or simply typical of the time.


Thanks in advance! 


Series 2 or NSU ? 


Water slides might work out well, called Wasserschiebebilder.


If you have documents or registration we might help you out with regional stuff ???


Should have been more clear, it is a series 2. 


I have asked and who I have purchased it off, if he knows where it was first sold. However, he does not but will ask the previous owner. As I feel a regional sticker would be a nice touch also. 


Looking forward to getting some more ideas. 




Son of M & T ??? ;-)


Period advertisment is also nice.


HB Männchen and the like...




Thanks for the suggestion so far...

The Rhur event sticker is looking good.

Although, I do feel a nod to it's original location would be a really nice touch. Is there anyway to find out this information without documents or registration?

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