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Just rebuilt an engine for a friend.


VGLA casings fitted with Pinasco177, SI24/24, SIP Road2.0 and electronic ignition.


On request I fitted a 4 speed gearbox from a VGLB.


Due to broken splines, I also fitted the kickstart cog and kick from the VGLB.


But now the kick points too much upwards!?!







Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11 minutes ago, Cpt.Howdy said:

is it possible that you forgot the rubber pieces for the aiming position?

No, both rubber pieces are in Place.


Yes, I also thought of that, but the Whole kick-Assembly came straight out of a VGLB-engine...

Anyhow, we're going to try With a PX kick now...



Just now, tingeltangeltoll said:

 Looks like mixed up with a P-Range Kickstart Shaft/ Cog.


Found on mondernvespa.com:







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