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8th Endurance Scootentole - the 10 hours of Chateau Gaillard - 9th of June, 2018

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Scootentole presents the 8th Endurance Challenge Scootentole: The 10 hours of Chateau Gaillard, 8-9th of June 2018 !!




Light Blue track: 1500m x 8m




Registrations are opened  !

Send us your form to endurance@scootentole.org

Form: EN - Registration Form

In order to validate the registration, please pay 50% of the total driver fees via online payment (indicate team number, and/or name and/or team manager name)



Please print and fill: Checklist à remplir
Please print and fill:  Feuille de décharge



  • 125EUR per driver (between 3 and 5) (145EUR on-site)
  • 12EUR per visitors (15EUR on-site)



  • Friday : Full day (9AM to 6PM) track access for xx€ (half-day 1PM-6PM for xx€). Open to any vintage scooter. For Friday  open practice, ou must show an insurance.
  • Technical control and on-site registration: Friday 4-6PM
  • Free practice: Friday 6-7:30PM
  • Briefing + Starting grid will be randomly defined and communicated Friday 8PM
  • Race starts Saturday 8AM - End at 6PM
  • Podium, tombola, apero: Saturday 7:30PM


Technical Reglement (same as Magny Cours 2017): EN: Technical Regulation

Specific regulation for Magny Cours event: EN: Specific Regulation


Rules, the main points:  (IF ANY QUESTION, PLEASE ASK !!)
Short summary: (Please read carefully the FULL reglement, see below)

  • FIVE categories   :wheeeha:  
    • SP3 : small promotion: original engine casing, case intake (except Malossi 136cc), cast iron cylinder (except original Alu), no exhaust bridge, air-cooled, max 51mm stroke and not flow-optimized crankshaft, polini/Malossi/Giannelli/leovince snake and similar 80s tuning type exhaust, max 24mm carburetor, 3 or 4 gears, original tank, no fiber parts for the chassis/side panel.
    • SP2 : small proto: original engine casing, case intake (except Malossi 136cc), max 59mm bore cylinder, no exhaust bridge, air-cooled, max 51mm stroke crankshaft, max 30mm carburetor, 3 or 4 gears, original tank, no fiber parts for the chassis/side panel
    • SP1 : small open:Everything else not fitting in SP3 and SP2  (Monster tank, fiber/carbon side panels, aluminum after-market cylinder kits, etc)
    • LP2 : large promotion: original engine casing, cast iron cylinder (except original Alu), air-cooled, original stroke and not flow-optimized crankshaft, max 24mm carburetor, 3 or 4 gears, original tank, no fiber parts for the chassis/side panel.
    • LP1 : large open: Everything else not fitting in LP2 (Monster tank, fiber/carbon side panels, aluminum after-market cylinder kits, etc)
  • No cut frame, no skeleton -> Full frame scooter, including headset, panels and mudguard
  • If you have a tube to strengthen your chassis, you must cover the hole between chassis and the tube
  • No 4 stroke, no automatic (vintage 4 Stroke, please contact us)
  • All tires type allowed
  • Teams of 3 to 5 pilots + team manager + mechanics; max 7 persons in the pit-stand !!
  • Pilot relay 65 mins maximum
  • Engine must be stopped in the pit-lane and scooter must be pushed 




Localization: https://goo.gl/maps/wzCNqBadgqy

Address: En Belle Lièvre, 01500 Château-Gaillard, France






Authentik Scooter


LTH - Lambretta Teile Heilbronn

MRP - High Performance

SIP Scootershop

AF Parts


Liztor Racing


10 Pollici

Bienvenue à nos nouveaux sponsors ! 


Egig Performance
https://www.facebook.com/egig-Performan ... 375575504/




Bearbeitet von KTy
  • 2 Wochen später...

Major (but simple) update to our reglement, will be effective in 3 weeks in Chateau-Gaillard:


  • A second scooter as spare is allowed !
  • Penalty for changing the scooter is 50 laps
  • The first scooter once retired cannot come back to the track
  • In case both scooter are not from the same category, the "highest" category defines the category during registration


By doing that, we ensure people will continue to race even though the first scooter cannot continue.

As a reminder, there is no penalty for changing engine. Strategy will play a significant role !





How about Projekt Paul Junior ? :)

I am curious, what is his configuration ? COuld it be compatible with our SP2 ?


Kann jemand eine bremspumpe von mir mitnehmen und abliefern oder Ersatz hergeben und ich bring nach Cheb wieder eine mit?  Der Jambon hätte gern eine. 

  • 9 Monate später...
  • 1 Monat später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Fährt wer aus der Region Aachen/Köln /... nach Frankreich? Mein Lederkombi und ein Pmt slick suchen noch ne Mitfahrgelegenheit von Frankreich zurück :)


Ich werde selbst nicht da sein

Bearbeitet von Tim Ey

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