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I'm working With Norwegian "TUV" to get them to approve my 1971 V50S With a standard 90Racer engine…

I have showed them the spare part catalouge that states that V5SA1T frame is the same as V9A1T, but not enough…

So I was thinking of showing them that German TUV approves V5SA1T frames With larger engines, it would be a great start.

Therefore, does anyone have a copy of TUV papers for V50S With large engine in it?
-only engine, cannot be With disk brake, pk fork etc, as mine is Stock otherwise.

Hope you can help!

Best Regards

17 hours ago, Rita said:

i have

V50 special


with PK80 Engine and 133DR Barrel



Hi Rita!

Thanks, but that will not help me, as the Special has a slightly different frame from V50S/V90....

Need papers for V5SA1T....


  • 2 Wochen später...

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