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Hello Vespa people...
I need some advice..
I have pk 50 xl 1989 that I would love to upgrade to Pollini 133
My plans are to have set up like this:

24 Dellorto carb
Pollini right hand exhaust
Pollini cylinder and piston
2,56 primary gear...
What else do I need to change or do??
Thank you

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
On 8/20/2018 at 5:15 pm, remdabam said:

Ola, as far as I know the exhausted you only available for the "short" crankshafts, not for the polini 130 cc.

This is the Pollini that I  allready have ...

So this one will not be OK for a 133 ??


Bearbeitet von Bajadera
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
On 8/21/2018 at 3:32 pm, Timmi said:

For the Polini 133 cc cylinder you need a crankshaft with 51 mm stroke or more.

The plan is to get Mazuchelli racing crankshaft ...

Is that OK ??


Bearbeitet von Bajadera
On 8/23/2018 at 8:37 PM, skinglouie said:

PK doublespring clutch and PK125 exhaust. I've just built the same setup last week, runs nicely.

Did you just add one more spring to the stock clutch or you use "Pollini double spring" clutch...??

45 minutes ago, skinglouie said:

It'sa PK75 Clutch with doublespring, so doublespring only should be ok.

That is great info...

Where can I buy just the double spring??

I search on SIP shop but I could not find it there...

4 hours ago, Spiderdust said:

Without the proper tool it's very hard to install the original Piaggio double-spring (or uninstall).

Take the Polini double-spring instead.

Thanks for the advice...

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