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Dellorto 24 phbl... BS or BD...?

I know the difference beetween those two carbs...but...which one  fits better in to  the smallframe...?!

Whose adjuster screw are  easier to get?!


vor 7 Stunden schrieb Bajadera:

Dellorto 24 phbl... BS or BD...?

I know the difference beetween those two carbs...but...which one  fits better in to  the smallframe...?!

Whose adjuster screw are  easier to get?!


Which smallframe? For V50 it's easier to have the screws on the left, for PK it's better to have them on the right.

On 10/23/2018 at 5:31 AM, Spiderdust said:

Which smallframe? For V50 it's easier to have the screws on the left, for PK it's better to have them on the right.

It is a 1989  PK model...


Then I'd take the BS, the screws are in driving direction on the right.

Dellorto looks in intake-direction, so in their point of view the screws are on the left (Sinistre).


But it's also a matter of the intake manifold that you're using.:sigh:

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