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I am in the process of buying a scooter in Switzerland, just a restoration project Lambretta (nothing to exciting, just a fair price). There is very little information on the process as its not common in the UK. However I figured, it must be far more common in Germany. 


Could someone advise whether there is anything specific that needs to be done? Or whether there is any specific export documentation that is required prior to it leaving Switzerland? 


I am familiar with the process once I have the scooter in the UK, but not getting one from outside the EU. 




You‘ll have to pay:
B) customs duties for a vintage vehicle

I‘d recommend to have this done by a freight forwarder-assuming that you anyhow will not pick it up on your own.

By having these customs documents on hand you should be able to proceed with all local steps for a UK registration.

This is more EU than Swiss specific.

Let’s see how these things work out after Brexit [emoji6]

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I'm fully aware I'm likely to have to pay UK Vat and I'm versed with the system here to declare the vehicles arrival. 


However, what I'm more concerned with is whether there is any specific process at the border? Or wther I need to fill in any forms? 


Cheers for the reply. 


A friend bought a scooter a few month ago. At the border they wanted some Export papers,   which he should have made in a Swiss Bureau. There are agents/bureaus near the border who offers that.  You can call there before and ask what they need.  He did not  had anything. The Problem was not the vat,  it was the document which he should have needed.  Because it was late,  the bureaus were closed,  the borderpolice helped with the document,  what they normally don t do. Otherwise he should have waited until next morning when a bureau would open.


We have recently been through this with a PK XL2:

- The scooter has to be unregistered (which is documented in the "Fahrzeugausweis" with a stamp "Üngültig - Übergeben Sie bitte diesen Ausweis an den neuen Fahrzeughalter + date")

- You need to have a sales contract

- Helpfull is also a copy of the ad in which you found the scooter (I think this is to make sure the paid money and the contract do not differ to much)

- You get in touch with a carrier on the swiss side who do the paperwork for you. I tried to figure out to do it on my own but it is definetely not worth the effort as you might stumble into different pitfalls. We had www.eckert-transport.ch  as the carrier. They filled in the electronic forms, got the okay for the export and just charged us € 80,- This was the best prices I compared giving some carriers a call ahead.

- We picked up the scooter, drove to the carrier on the swiss side of the border, got the paper (about 30 minutes), passed the border and drove to the customs on the german side (Waldshut)

- Here we had to park in between the bigger trucks and went to the swiss custom on the right side of the building where we exported the scooter.

- Then we turned to the left side of the building, where we imported the scooter to Germany.

- We got the very important import declaration which stated that we paid (German) customs and the VAT (about 30% od the sales price docimmented in the contract; either cash or EC-Card, I don't know, whether they also accept credit cards). We needed this document later for the registration, otherwise you run in trouble! All this took about 60 minutes but coud even take longer, depending of how busy it is.

- To register the scooter later in Germany (which is only a so called "Versicherungskennzeichen" (insurance tag)) we had to pass the TÜV (motor inspection). They at least provided us with the only law-accepted papers to drive the vehicle here in Germany legaly.


I am sure your carrier will all handle this, if you wouldn't pick up the scooter personally. You might also have a slightly different procedure as Germany is only the transfer country for your Lambretta (VAT will not be applicable, probably different customs rate).





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am ‎05‎.‎01‎.‎2019 um 20:59 schrieb servetakid:

I am in the process of buying a scooter in Switzerland, just a restoration project Lambretta (nothing to exciting, just a fair price). There is very little information on the process as its not common in the UK. However I figured, it must be far more common in Germany. 


Could someone advise whether there is anything specific that needs to be done? Or whether there is any specific export documentation that is required prior to it leaving Switzerland? 


I am familiar with the process once I have the scooter in the UK, but not getting one from outside the EU. 




I picked up a Lambretta projekt from Switzerland some three years ago.


In germany for registration of a vehicle from outside EU you need a paper called "Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinungung" besides the vehicle documentation and a purchase contract for proof of ownership.


"Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinungung" is a paper that sais you did pay Import-Tax and VAT.


If you plan to import the Lambretta on your own, it's important to know that you have to declare your import at the first border to EU. Thats why I took a long detour not to leave Switzerland to Austria on a Friday afternoon, but through the biggest customs-facilities I could find at the Swiss-German-border in "Weil am Rhein".


When I came to the german border on a Friday I met swiss national-holiday on a regular working day in germany and the swiss customs guy wanted me to wait until the next monday at operating hours of the customs bureau. But the german customs guy at the opposite side of the road told me that I just

need the Swiss-Export-declaration to get back swiss VAT. As I didn't buy my project at a vehicle-dealer and didn't have a sales bill with declared VAT, there was nothing to get back, so it was no need for me to wait three days for getting stamped an Export-declaration.


In germany you'd have to pay 19%VAT and additional 8% customs fee.


Bearbeitet von DaveDean
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi guys,


i'm from Switzerland and i can assure to you, that swiss customs doesn't care at all about whats LEAVING Switzerland. They only care about whats COMING IN from outside Switzerland - there you have to pay import taxes. BUT there are no export taxes of course!


The only thing you have to care about is EU customs process.

Maybe you therefore need a comfirmation from the swiss side, that the scooter actually left switzerland what on the other hand seems to be stupid.... i mean, coming from switzerland to do the import on the german side - it's obviousely clear where the scooter came from (where else should it have come from...with swiss vehicle papers...???)



Bearbeitet von Brösel
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

...and you certainly WON'T get back any swiss VAT buying and old scooter (restauration project) from a private person!

That would only be appropriate buying a new scooter from any official scooter dealer (a company that is paying VAT taxes in Switzerland)...


Bearbeitet von Brösel
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 5.1.2019 um 22:04 schrieb Tanatos:

If you export a vehicle from Switzerland you have to pay taxes for it. 


Sorry, but this is just not true - there are no EXPORT taxes so far!

Bearbeitet von Brösel

Thank you for all the replies. Struggled to find a sensible transport quotation (my original man with van gave back word due to lack of understanding of Swiss rules). 


I think if I was on mainland Europe it would be much easier. However, it looks like I could be liable for 2 lots of taxes (the first country it enters and again in the UK). 




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