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Inlet 210 degrees


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I´m rebuildind my engine with pinasco crank competition 62mm stroke and malossi mhr221 and pinasco 26/26r and exhaust rz mark II


after measure the inlet , i have open 135º before TDC and close 75º after tdc. 210 degrees in total open.


my question is: sould i close the valve litle bit? or should do nothing?


should i weld aluminium ou use epoxy? is safe?


best regards


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Please also check the flywheel cone!


The cone of my crankshaft was too long, so that the flywheel could not be fixed properly without using a custom-made washer (see picture in the link above).




Bearbeitet von alfonso
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vor 11 Minuten schrieb edumegacc:




so long intake don`t be malefic for low rpm power?




Maybe a bit too much fuel consumption, but I am quite sure you will not lose power because of the intake timing.

Beside that, a MHR is not built for low revs anyway.

With your components, I‘d rather go for a Malossi Sport or Polini.

Bearbeitet von alfonso
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