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Newly built my Polini221 engine...




60mm crank

Polini box pipe

Ignition 19’

SI24/24 with nd48/160 and hd135


My problem is that it still four-strokes/stutters on low rev and a bit in the lower midle..

-even with a 3,33 slow jet?!?


The ignition is spot on 19 degrees.


Anyone who can help me solve this?








Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1 hour ago, Pez said:


If yes with bores over the main Jet?

or. Venturi?


Original airfilter with drilled holes above main jet and low jet.

PS! I've now running 128Hd and 3,33 on slow jet, but still stutters on low throttle....

This could also be symptons for a to lean jetting. 48/160 is way to lean, try a 60/160 without a hole over the low jet

Ok, I’ll do!

But CHT is around 90, so might not be lean?

Anyway, I’ll try

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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