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@arkatxu We have a few rules concerning the GSF-Marketplace (aka P.O.R.N.O. rules, abbrevating the relevant german keywords), primarily:
- All for sale posts must include a price! (Precise indication of postage and packing is mandatory, you are likely targeting a german/austrian/swiss audience.)
- Specify the location of the article to be sold by you! 
- No simultaneous offers on any other commercial platforms allowed! 
- No selling on behalf of others! The article must be your property.


Unless items exceeding €1,000 are being offered, you may only have one thread at a time. Any use of this website for purchasing or selling items signifies your understanding and acceptance of these rules. Please complete any missing detail until tonight—failing to do so, renders your ad being deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation,

the GSF Team of Moderators


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