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...erstmal vielen dank für deine hilfe :-D

hier mal bilder von der hübschen :love:




Buchstaben gibts wohl keine...nur die nummer...

auf dem zweiten bild beim pedal rechts neben der schelle fürs trittbrett...

ciao sam



..ist ein 4 gang Garelli Motor

...nochmal wegen den Pedalen...

waren da ursprünglich zwei dran (zum treten wie beim Fahrrad) oder

nur eins (als Kickstarter)auf der rechten Seite ??




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hello everybody.... i find this place with google...i try to find some information about my capri scooter..because here in finland there is not much information... there is some pictures my capri 100 superluxus in My Webpage

Bearbeitet von kalevi
hello everybody....  i find this place with google...i  try to find some information about my capri scooter..because here in finland there is not much information... there is some pictures my capri 100 superluxus in  My Webpage



on your homepage you have a Prospekt from the Capri Transportmoped (Mocar).

Please, can you send me a Scan from this?

Sincerelly your's, Jörg (sorry, my english is very horrible...)


My Mocar 103 (48ccm)


hello Mocar,,,,,i have found pictures over there...http://www.motoscooter.info/Agrati-Garelli.htm and i really think that we all who own garelli scooter we have to chare our experiences........sorry about my very very bad english.........i can talk this language better than i write........because it.s really hard for me to write ....i still trying........well thanks to everybody.........i come back.


Hello Kalevi,

on my stay in Finland 6 years ago, I found a Capri 70, that was made or imported from Helkaman, Lautasaarii, SUOMI. Do you know if they were assembled there or were they just imported scoots from Italy ?

From which area are you ? I have friends in Kuopio.

Cheers, Marco


hello marco ....very nice to know , that you have been visited here in finland :-D . i live in 30km to north from helsinki.. 6years ago i call to helkama auto and i ask do they have anykind of parts to ase capri scooters ,but nothing left...and they give me phonenumbers to some peoples who may know where the rest of the parts are.....and i find a littlebit parts to my capri in finland.. and it is very difficult work to find ..well i guess that i m lucky because i find some parts....... my capri was not working very well those times ... now it`s working just a littlebit better ......and i think that ase capri 70 scooters there in finland are just a littlebit more left than capri 98 scooters i think...... well it`s very nice to write in this forum..i hope that everybody can understand this text :-D by the way i think that germans no the best cars on the world :-D i do like opels a lot....sorry... i know this is not a car forum.... i hope i see you again ;-)


Hallo Garellisti,

meine Freundin möchte ihre Capri verkaufen, Es ist eine 3 Gang, Garelli Motor, Bj 1965.

Der Roller läuft. Den Tank hatte ich schon aufwendigst entrostet und neu versiegelt, Vorderreifen ist neu. Der Roller ist komplett hat wenige Dellen und nur oberflächlichen Rost, Papiere liegen nur in Kopie vor, (womit sie ihn aber angemeldet hatte). Preis 350? VB. Fotos per emal oder wenn jemand so freundlich ist sie für mich reinzustellen.

Gruß Stefan

Fotos per emal oder wenn jemand so freundlich ist sie für mich reinzustellen.


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Gruß, Jörg

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