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wenn man sich das blabla topic anschaut und sieht, wie viele adidas topics geöffnet wurden - dann muss ich sagen: GLÜCKWUNSCH den Herren Werbestrategen ! :-(:-D

... und mein beileid den ewigen - voreiligen - ich hab was tolles und schau nicht nach, obs das schon gibt- neu-postern :-(

  • 2 Wochen später...

Die Redaktion von "Bravo Girl" hat neulich meine SX200 für Mode-Fotoaufnahmen geliehen.

wie kommt man denn an sowas???

ach ja: BILDER!!! ( bei modeaufnahmen sind doch immer schicke schnitten dabei oder?)

Leider mieser Scan.

Und die Kids sind auch viel zu jung für Seniorenroller...




  • 4 Wochen später...
Habs diesen Thread nicht durchgesehen, aber hab was dazu gefunden

Kahn Mobil und weitere

Geil! Unter dem von GL_Sesche geposteten Link gibt's geile Grossbilder der Roller aus dem Spot. Der Zidane hat 'ne "Spanien-GL-GS160-Sprint" mit ZIZOU-Schriftzug. Und der Ballack 'ne "Spanien-VBB-Sprint" mit "Breitreifen hinten" und enorm Spachtel am Tunnel ...



?sag' mal Jan ? ich dachte es wäre strengstens verboten sich auf eine aufgebocke Lammi zu setzen :wow: Jaja - was man nicht alles macht für's Geld :-D


Ach, bei der Lambretta find ichs nicht so schlimm. Da knirschts ja im Verborgenen. :satisfied:

Bei alten Vespas mit dünnem Ständer bin ich dagegen sehr allergisch.

Da spritzt ja oben der Lack schon weg wenn sich ein 50-Kilo-Mädel draufsitzt...

Habs diesen Thread nicht durchgesehen, aber hab was dazu gefunden

Kahn Mobil und weitere

Geil! Unter dem von GL_Sesche geposteten Link gibt's geile Grossbilder der Roller aus dem Spot. Der Zidane hat 'ne "Spanien-GL-GS160-Sprint" mit ZIZOU-Schriftzug. Und der Ballack 'ne "Spanien-VBB-Sprint" mit "Breitreifen hinten" und enorm Spachtel am Tunnel ...


...also ob das wirklich ein breitreifen ist, oder nicht vielleicht doch eine verkehrt-rum montierte felge ;-)

also die roller begeistern mich bei genauerem hinsehen überhaupt nicht...würd mir schon fahrzeuge in besserem zustand erwarten...

..auf der anderen seite gibts dann wieder den hang zum detail..."AC" z.B beim Kotflügel-Bügel an "Cole's Lamy"...

  • 3 Wochen später...
Der Zidane hat 'ne "Spanien-GL-GS160-Sprint" mit ZIZOU-Schriftzug. Und der Ballack 'ne "Spanien-VBB-Sprint" mit "Breitreifen hinten" und enorm Spachtel am Tunnel ...

und die roller gehören lustigerweise einem freund eines spaniers aus sevilla, der gerade bei uns zu besuch ist...


ich hab den spot schon vor ewigkeiten dank nem link ausm forum downgeloadet, höchstens paar Tage nach erscheinen vom ERSTEN Topic über den Spot



eine "geschichte" von denen :

Once I was helping this guy pushstart his older Vespa in front of a

scooter shop. He had been kicking and kicking on it for quite a while

and it was not even trying to fire. I think he said he might have

mixed a little too much oil with the gas, the plug was probably almost

totally fouled and by the time I saw him I think it was totally loaded

up and flooded as well, as you could smell the gas. So I start to push

as he paddles along twisting the throttle with the motor making that

low moaning sound as it turns over rapidly without firing, as if the

ignition was off. Sort of woooooaaaaoooaa as we push along with the

throttle oppening and closing. I notice that he has a loud pipe on it

just from the noise without it firing. After pushing for perhaps 20 -

30 seconds I am already beginning to get hard from the sound and

anticipating what might happen, when suddenly the motor fires just

once and the scooter jerks forward slightly with the power pulse and

the pipe lets out a nice big 2 stroke pop with a wad of blue smoke. We

begin to push faster and I am just about in heaven, as it fires again,

then twice more in rapid succession.den..........den...den... I'm now

hard as a rock and beginning to leak pre-cum. I don't know which is

better, to be behind where I can catch the full blast of each of the

sweet smelling thick blue/white pops from the pipe and feel the

scooter jerk away from my hand on the seat with each power pulse or to

be the guy on the scooter, leaning forward into the bars, pushing,

paddling with his feet, balls buried deep into the soft foam of the

seat, feeling each spasmodic jerk of forward motion as the motor

struggles to live. The motor is beginning to fire ever so slowly more

often now, still totally unable to run on it's own, firing several

pulses in succession, then nothing for a second or two. He holds the

throttle wide open now as we push faster and faster, the motor

straining to live, disgorging puff after puff of dense opaque white

oil, forming an awsome sweet smelling 2 stroke trail/cloud right in my

face. I can hardly contain myself and I am sure a stain is beginning

to show at the top of the bulge in my jeans. Just as I think he is

about to struggle away under his own power, the guy backs off a little

and it gives a couple more pops, slows, stops and dies. A little thin

after trail of smoke continues to drift out of the pipe from all the

leftover oil inside and, staring at the small exhaust hole, I almost

loose it. He looks back and I hope he does not notice or it's getting

him off as much as me, and he's like - "almost got it, lets try once

more". So off we go pushing, pushing and it pops once, twice,then

faster and faster till it is almost "running" but this time he gets it

out of gear and works the throttle like a champ slowly building the

revs, cleaning and clearing, the motor stuttering and popping

fourstroking, each honk on the throttle revving out a little more as I

stand there just behind in the massivly building cloud, eyes fixed on

the solid jet of oil pumping from the little hole, leaving a

puddle/stain on the sidewalk and the awsome 2 stroke noises it's

making, stuttering, running so rough, as it builds revs,then popping

hard thick puffs when he backs off. deh..............deh.....deh deh

......deh.deh.deh....deh.deh.de.deh deh..deh..deh...deh.deh.de.deh.deh


.den.den. So after a few more seconds of this, he backs off just

enough to jam it in gear and start to pull away. It begins to load up

and die again with the effort of actually pulling the rider so he

works the throttle harder as he begins to paddle with his feet again,

leaning forward, pushing on the bars. Here, I wish I could trade

places and be the one humping this awesome machine, as I give one

final push off leaning over into the blinding sweet thick cloud. The

motor finally just barely begins to clear, as he holds full throttle

into a gentle uphill, squalling stuttering and popping, as the scooter

dissapears into a thick blue white fog of its own making, in one

giant 2 stroke orgasam of smoke and noise. I run a few steps into the

cloud, the smoke, the noise, cumming uncontrolably, thrust after

thrust, as I breathe in the wads of thick smoke letting the smoke and

noise envelop me as I shoot my wad till I almost can't stand up....

Perhaps someday I will have to get one of the older Vespas, port it,

put a big old carb and pipe on it, mix my premix about 10:1 and do the

same for one of you as we both get off together on this bad motor


oiso !

aufpassen wer euch anschiebt :-D :plemplem: :puke:

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