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Italian Ten Race 2020 Pomposa new track

Empfohlene Beiträge


Here we are!

The first race of the season 2020 will be the Italian Ten Race on the new track at the Pomposa circuit with the patronage of AICS Motociclismo and the usual format.
Ten hours race at full gas to know the winner
Are you ready? April 25th is approaching!
A big thank to all the partners, old and new, that support us also this year
In short
Only air cooled engines
5 categories: Small Proto, Small Sport, Large Proto, Large Sport, Lambretta
Teams composed by max 7 persons (from 3 to 5 riders)
10 hours race
Minimum time (per rider) on the track 20 minutes, maximum time 60 minutes (per rider)
Free timing for refuelling
Daily driving license required (a specifical medical report is needed)
Inscriptions are open!!!
Send a message to vespacorseitalia@gmail.com
I'm always available for all the informations you'll need

ITR 2020 locandina con sponsor.jpg



vor 54 Minuten hat Mike folgendes von sich gegeben:

Probabilmente fallirà comunque a causa di Corona ...?


Why? The race  is planned for April 25th and  there aren't indications about stopping sport activities after April 3rd


italy is tortured by this disease, and germany's casenumbers are rising. 

we're looking forward wether zuera will take place, wether the esc season can start as planned -  we will see.

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