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Hi guys,

we (Vespa Club Genk - Belgium) have hired the racetrack of Zolder (Belgium) to do a little real racing with our Vespa's.

The only condition is that we are at least with 20 Vespa's to race (to cover the cost a little bit).

The price is 25 euro for a 30 minute race. Payable before 10 june. Everybody is more than welcome.

Two conditions to alow racing:

1. Suited clothing, leather is not obligatory but than again t-shirts are forbiden. Wear suited clothing.

2. Attention the soundlevel of every vehicle can NOT pass the 95 decibel. There are 2 soundmeters on the track.

The racepricipal will exclude any vehicle out of the race if this limit is exceded. We can't do anything about it.


14 july 2004 at 16h30, meeting at 16h at café Wheels on the track of Zolder in Belgium.

Please be sure to enter your participation before 10 june.

Who is up for it?

more info or enter your participation at erik@eranracing.be

Greetz Designo aka Michele




Sorry guys,

we've got nothing against Lambretta's. Hell I even WANT ONE one day.

But for the moment we're looking if we can keep it a 'Vespa only' race.

If by any chance we don't have 20 competitors by the 5the june.

We're more than happy to welcome Lambretta's to the track.

After all we're all the same and we're all looking for a good time. Lambretta or Vespa's.

So if youre a little patient I will keep you up-to date.

Thanx for the interest.


  • 2 Wochen später...

Der 14.07. ist tatsächlich unter der Woche..ein Mittwoch??

Was geht denn ?? :-(

Hätte schon Lust mal wieder die Super auf einem großen Kurs fliegen zu lassen...

...aber da müsste ich ja Urlaub nehmen!! :-D




Hi guys,

sorry for the delay.

Yes it is a wednesday, weekends are impossible because the circuit is beeing used for motorsport also.

But the bad news is that till today we don't have 20 inscriptions.

So the race is due to be cancelled if we don't find some other solutions.

Forget keeping it a Vespa only race. If you guys with Lambretta's can find the time and are willing to come you to can inscribe at eric@eranracing.be or info@eranracing.be

So every geared scooter is welcome.

Hope to see you in Zolder



Sorry guys,

we've got nothing against Lambretta's. Hell I even WANT ONE one day.

But for the moment we're looking if we can keep it a 'Vespa only' race.

If by any chance we don't have 20 competitors by the 5the june.

We're more than happy to welcome Lambretta's to the track.

After all we're all the same and we're all looking for a good time. Lambretta or Vespa's.

So if youre a little patient I will keep you up-to date.

Thanx for the interest.


okay, we understand your intention: next years nürburgring race will be an lambretta/maico/bella exclusive. no boring gs150 or slow supers :-D


....or slow supers :-(



das hab ich jetzt mal überlesen!! :-(

aber interessant wäre es schon....

gibts event. ein vespa-lami-treffen an dem folgenden we in belgien od. dt. ??

16-18-07. ???

..dann würde sich die weite anfahrt für mich lohnen... :-(


....düfte es nicht so oft geben..schaltreusen auf einem richtigen race-track !! :-(

bezahlfrist ist aber schon abgelaufen,oder??



ps:michele,great idea with the vespa race in Zolder...if the race cancelled,cu you at the Nüburgring 2005 !! :-D

ps:michele,great idea with the vespa race in Zolder...if the race cancelled,cu you at the Nüburgring 2005 !! :-D

ich glaube nicht :-(


doch, sehr warscheinlich sogar 2 mal! kölner kurs und jan-wellem-pokal.

ich kenne halt so einen snobismus wie vom designo nur von lambrettisten. deshalb musste ich mal etwas frotzeln :-D

-gruss, stefan

doch, sehr warscheinlich sogar 2 mal! kölner kurs und jan-wellem-pokal.

ich kenne halt so einen snobismus wie vom designo nur von lambrettisten. deshalb musste ich mal etwas frotzeln  :-(

-gruss, stefan

hey SUPER..na da freuen "wir" uns schon drauf...aber dann auch mal vorne mit 3,50-10 er u. event. dunlops!! :-(

auch ein race motor wäre nicht schlecht!!

wegen snobismus...fahre ja auch bald meine NSU-lami!!! :-(

..nur gayt da halt nicht viel in sachen tuning!! :-D


...maybe next year in Zolder??

or Nürburgringrace?? :-(



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