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Anyone is running an imola engine with a PHBH 30 ?

I can't manage to set it up, my best result is

main 145


X3 first clip from top

The result : acceleration is OK unitil I reach 1/2 - 3/4, there it runs crap.

And the plug is grey.

I tried a 150 & 140, but it's worst

Li 125 engine, imola kit, high compression head, imola reeds, gianelli exhaust MK2.

If you don't run on a PHBH but another carb, can you tell me you specs, and what manifold are you using ?

The Oko PWK is too small for the imola rubber manifold.

Thanks for any help.


Zylinder Imola 185ccm

Vergaser Mikuni TMX 30

Bedüsung HD290, PJ52,5, ND22,5, Nadel 2ter Clip v. oben

Mischrohr N-9 (Serie 622), Nadel 5EL68-3, Gasschieber 4,0

Auspuff PM

Übersetzung 18/47 (82er Kette)

Getriebe LI 125 (spanisch)

original TS1 manifold




Anyone is running an imola engine with a PHBH 30 ?

I can't manage to set it up, my best result is

main 145


X3 first clip from top

The result : acceleration is OK unitil I reach 1/2 - 3/4, there it runs crap.

And the plug is grey.

I tried a 150 & 140, but it's worst

Li 125 engine, imola kit, high compression head, imola reeds, gianelli exhaust MK2.

If you don't run on a PHBH but another carb, can you tell me you specs, and what manifold are you using ?

The Oko PWK is too small for the imola rubber manifold.

Thanks for any help.

try the second or even the third clip from top


Jetting Specifcations PHBH 30mm

Imola 185 standard

Air screw 1 - 2 Turns

Pilot 60

Atomiser AS266

Needle X2

Needle position 2nd clip

Main jet 118

setup for clubman exhaust



I went down to a 140 main,

X2 needle : second clip from top

1-1/2 air screw

Engine start fine, revs ok on the road until I reach a certain rpm (after 3/4) and if I manage to go over this stage it goes well. But the only way to do this is to be down hill. Up hill it's very hard to go behind this point.

Any idea ?

The plug is very light brown.


..in my opinion the x2 isn't the right way to solve your problem...the plug shouldn't be grey or light brown

try the x3 on the lower clips (2nd, 3rd or 4th from top) and the 140 Mainjet

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