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Kann jemand mit mir mit Fotographien auf des Straßenmotorrad- und -motorscooterparkens in der deutschsprechenden Welt in Verbindung treten? Wir kämpfen für Parkenräume hier in neuem York, und Beispiele der Städte zu haben, die es recht, würde sehr nützlich sein.

Can someone contact me with photographs of on street motorcycle and motorscooter parking in the german speaking world? We are fighting for parking spaces here in New York, and having examples of cities that do it right would be very helpful.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


What are you exact looking for?

There are a few separate parking lots for motorcycles and scooters in Germany. This parking lost are marked with special signs.

If you are looking for photos of such areas, I can take a photograph on my way to work.


Edit: sorry for my bad English :-D

Bearbeitet von Spike1401
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

here in germany there is usually no parking on the streets für two wheelers. there are some designated marked areas on the sides of the lanes, but normally parking is only in separate parking lots.

in austria, however, two wheelers are often parked between cars parked alongside the curbs (do they have to that way by law?) - sideways, 90° to the driving lanes.

this results in your bike standing "in the middle of the street" if the cars that stood there leave. i've seen numerous scooters and motorbikes being smashed in vienna, as they really sometimes lonely stand "across the street" if the cars around them leave...


Bearbeitet von nop
is austria, however, two wheelers are often parked between cars parked alongside the curbs (do they have to that way by law?) - sideways, 90° to the driving lanes.

this results in your bike standing "in the middle of the street" if the cars that stood there leave. i've seen numerous scooters and motorbikes being smashed in vienna, as they really sometimes lonely stand "across the street" if the cars around them leave...


absolutely right...

"sideways, 90° to the driving lanes" and that what the law wants us to do...


This Link (click "biker-info" and then scroll down) shows an example of what you're looking for. but i think we don't have a german-wide concept for motorcycle parking. it's not really a problem here. but don't worry, we are looking forward to get a similar traffic situation as in the states. :-D

we are still in stone-age, as this pic shows:



hier (B) park ich wo ich will, am liebsten da wo schon viel öl liegt. und ältere herrschaften schlecht dran vorbeikommen, wegen der pikenuts überall. meist ist dann aber kein kennz. dran.

vor ner kindertagesstätte beim aldi lasse ich ich sie mit laufendem motor stehen, aber nur wenn die racker draussen sind.

anja can shoot somethin´..


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